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  1. #1
    Membre VIP Avatar de liilmrll
    juin 2013
    Remercié: 373 fois en 79 mess.
    Pouvoir de réputation

    Post Xentry Diagnostic Open Shell/Xentry Diagnostic Passthru ( Full Solutions )

    I propose the remote installation of the software of (Mercedes Benz - Smart)

    the activation with Xentry Long-Key
    Added 3 more options in DAS for ME9.7
    No need Green Illusion in configassist, all are green.
    Update xentry addons and get extra addon update option.
    Fix bus & bharat benz in xentry.
    Fix smart 253 in xentry.

    A. for tools of the brand

    ( SD Connect C4 / C5 , MB VCI C6 , e-COM )

    B. for the others Tools who support the passthru
    (VAS 5054A , JLR Mongoose / VCM2 / KTS xx / AVDI / GM MDI , MDI 2, AVDI... )

    A1 Xentry Open Shell for diagnosis 09/2020
    [ 125 € ]( online SCN )

    -DAS XENTRY 09/2020
    -WIS ASRA 04/2020

    -EPC 11/2018
    -StarFinder 2015
    -StarFinder 2008
    -SD Media 2014

    -Disassembly Assistant 2003

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    A2 Xentry Open Shell for diagnosis and programming 07/2019 [ 95 € ]

    -HHT Win
    -DAS XENTRY 07/2019
    -DAS Special Functions
    -Xentry Special Functions

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    A2 Xentry Open Shell FULL 09/2020 or 07/2019
    [ 200 € ]

    -DAS XENTRY 07/2019 (Passthru)
    -DAS offline programming
    -DAS Special Functions
    -Xentry Special Functions
    -WIS ASRA 04/2020

    -EPC 11/2018[/size]
    -StarFinder 2015
    -StarFinder 2008
    -SD Media 2014

    -Disassembly Assistant 2003

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    B1 Xentry Passthru for diagnosis 09/2020 [ 115 € ] ( online SCN )

    -DAS XENTRY 06/2020 (PAssthru )
    -WIS ASRA 04/2020

    -EPC 11/2018
    -StarFinder 2015
    -StarFinder 2008
    -SD Media 2014

    -Disassembly Assistant 2003

    ATTENTION : this installation does not support euro 5 and 6 vehicles, here is the list of vehicles that you could work :

    A176 , A169 , A168 , B242 , B246 , B245
    C204 , C203 , C202 , 190 , 201 , 124
    E212 , E211 , E210 , E207
    S221 , S220 , S140 , S126
    CLA117 , CLK209 , CLK208, CLS218 , CLS219 , CL216 , CL215 , CL140
    SLK SLC 172 , SLK 171 , SLK 170 , SL 231 , SL 230 , SL 129 , SL 107
    AMG GT 190 , SLS 197 , GLE 292 , M/GLE 166 , M 164 , M 163 ,
    G 463 , G 461 , G 460 , GL/GLS 166 , GL 164 , GLK 204 ,GLA 156 , R 256

    EURO 5 et EURO 6
    A117 , C205 , E238 , E213 , S222 , S217 , X 290 AMG , CLS 257 , GLE 167 , GLC 253[/align]
    *__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    B2 Xentry Passthru for diagnosis and special functions v 07/2019 [ 140 € ] ( Windows 10 )

    -DAS XENTRY 07/2019 (Passthru)
    -DAS offline programming
    -DAS Special Functions
    -Xentry Special Functions
    -WIS ASRA 04/2020

    -EPC 11/2018
    -StarFinder 2015
    -StarFinder 2008
    -SD Media 2014

    -Disassembly Assistant 2003

    we should test if the new Vas5054A support Euro 5 et 6 vehicule
    __________________________________________________ ___

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    ************************************************** ************************************************** ***************************************
    Mercedes-Benz online SCN :

    1. just the login for online SCN (coding/programming) for one-time access = 30$

    2. we support you or we do it for you = 55$

    3. Add or Detele SA code = 100$

    ★★★ ★★★

    ★ ★★ Best Regards
    Dernière édition par liilmrll; 09/09/2020 à 04h52

  2. Le membre suivant a remercié liilmrll pour ce message :

    V1140 (11/11/2020)

  3. # ADS
    Membre exceptionnel

    Novembre 2011

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