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  1. #1
    Membre VIP Avatar de Simple
    août 2015
    Remercié: 588 fois en 144 mess.
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    Lexia & PP2000 update 8.50-8.55 (DiagBox v8.55)

    The software provided and the procedures proposed are intended for personal, educational and experimental use to install DiagBox 8.xx related updates. I hold no responsibility for any illegal or improper usage. Carry out this procedure at your own risk.

    Link is provided in the attachment for "APP_Update_850-855.exe". This is intended to update Lexia and PP2000 components of DiagBox 8.50, 8.53 or 8.54 to 8.55.

    1- Ensure you have a backup copy of the file "C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\APPDIAG.SYS" before you start.
    2- Download and execute the appropriate file for your own setup. The process will copy all necessary files to the updt folder, it will then automatically kill all DiagBox associated processes to enable overwriting without conflicts.
    3- Run DiagBox to start the update process and wait until DiagBox is operational. Close DiagBox and restart your computer to ensure all processes are running.

    Done..! you may run DiagBox as usual.. Notice that DiagBox version will change to 07.855 after the update..

    Have fun!

    Regards, Simple.
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    azyounes (29/04/2018),banbou (26/03/2018),barcopolo (27/12/2017),beudes69 (01/03/2018),chekirlot (22/02/2018),chris46 (17/12/2017),daimler (18/12/2018),dimitri 05 (21/12/2017),fafa013 (18/12/2017),jerome_062 (28/12/2017),jlDiag (22/04/2019),maxime (17/12/2017),Teruo (17/12/2017),vega77 (13/01/2018)

  3. # ADS
    Membre exceptionnel

    Novembre 2011

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