VAG Group: ODIS-Service / ODIS-Engineering / ElsaWin ( 2022/2023 )
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Note about Elsa 2013 :
sometimes, some images of a wiring diagram don't appear if you don't install the old Database...
then the old & best Database of 2013 is included with 2016/2017/
sometimes, some images of a wiring diagram don't appear if you don't install the old Database...
then the old & best Database of 2013 is included with 2016/2017/
For vas6154a original / VCX / SVCI & pass-thru devices___________________________________________ _________________________
_ ODIS-Service 23.0.1 ( 08.2023 )
_ ODIS-Engineering 17.0.1 ( 08.2023 )
_ FlashData 03.2023 ( Reprog Files )
_ PETKA 07.2022
( no obsoletion problem, still works even if you don't update it )
_ ElsaWin 2017 Multilanguage
( VW & Audi 2017 / Seat 2015 / Skoda 2013 ) Elsa 2013 included.
Full PAck Price = 100$
_ ODIS-Service 23.0.1 ( 08.2023 )
_ ODIS-Engineering 17.0.1 ( 08.2023 )
_ FlashData 03.2023 ( Reprog Files )
_ PETKA 07.2022
( no obsoletion problem, still works even if you don't update it )
_ ElsaWin 2017 Multilanguage
( VW & Audi 2017 / Seat 2015 / Skoda 2013 ) Elsa 2013 included.
Full PAck Price = 100$
_ ODIS-Service 11.0 12.2022
_ ODIS-Engineering 14.1 2022
_ Les fichiers de reprog 03.2023
_ PETKA 03.2022
_ Elsa Win : 2017
( VW 04.2017 / Audi 2017 / Seat 20
15 / skoda 2012 )
Elsa Win best database 2013 included.
Price = 90$
Needed Size = 350Gb
for vas5054a (original & clone)____________________________________________ _________________________________
_ ODIS-Service 7.2 09.2021
_ ODIS-Engineering 12.2 01.2021
_ Les fichiers de reprog 03.2023
_ PETKA 03.2022
_ Elsa Win : 2017
( VW 04.2017 / Audi 2017 / Seat 20
15 / skoda 2012 )
Elsa Win best database 2013 included.
Price = 80$
Needed Size = 330Gb
_ ODIS-Engineering 14.1 2022
_ Les fichiers de reprog 03.2023
_ PETKA 03.2022
_ Elsa Win : 2017
( VW 04.2017 / Audi 2017 / Seat 20
15 / skoda 2012 )
Elsa Win best database 2013 included.
Price = 90$
Needed Size = 350Gb
for vas5054a (original & clone)____________________________________________ _________________________________
_ ODIS-Service 7.2 09.2021
_ ODIS-Engineering 12.2 01.2021
_ Les fichiers de reprog 03.2023
_ PETKA 03.2022
_ Elsa Win : 2017
( VW 04.2017 / Audi 2017 / Seat 20
15 / skoda 2012 )
Elsa Win best database 2013 included.
Price = 80$
Needed Size = 330Gb
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Hidden Options: a software containing all the possible modifications (hidden options) concerning the VAG group (vw audi seat skoda).
this software makes it easier to activate hidden options without internet (you save time)
After having had this software you can activate all the cured options possible without difficulty and in a short time.
Learn to activate all the hidden options VW AUDI SEAT SKODA
Offline for vcds and odis
50+ options not found
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____
Hidden Options: a software containing all the possible modifications (hidden options) concerning the VAG group (vw audi seat skoda).
this software makes it easier to activate hidden options without internet (you save time)
After having had this software you can activate all the cured options possible without difficulty and in a short time.
Learn to activate all the hidden options VW AUDI SEAT SKODA
Offline for vcds and odis
50+ options not found
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____
New VAS 5054A Support UDS protocol = 70$ (Support Mercedes Xentry Passthru for MB cars till 2018/2019)
New VAS 5054A Support UDS protocol = 70$ (Support Mercedes Xentry Passthru for MB cars till 2018/2019)
New VAS 6154A Doip ( Clone ) = 200$
Regards, lfas