ISTA-D v4.48.12 and ISTA-P v3.72+ Package Tools SP-Data v3.71
_ ( ISPI Next/OEM Offline License -iLean- : 2 years license )
Only both ISTA and Package Tools = 100$
Full Pack (+ESYS / ETK / KDS) = 150$
ISTA-D v4.46.21 and ISTA-P v3.72 + Package Tools SP-Data v3.71
_ ( Cracked with loaders: Lifetime License = )
Only both ISTA and Package Tools = 70$
Full Pack (+ESYS / ETK / KDS) = 110$
✓ BMW PACKAGE TOOLS ( SP-Data v3.71 )
- Inpa 5.0.6 (with English script files)
- EDIABAS 7.3.0
- NCS Expert 4.0.1 (with English menus and buttons, and NCS Dummy Profile)
- NCS Dummy
- Tool32 4.0.3
- WinKFP 5.3.1
- BMW Coding Tool v2.5.0
With the Full Pack, you get:
✓ ESYS 3.8.1 (v3.35) / PSDZ-data 09.2023
✓ KSD2 2020
✓ ETK 02.2020
✓ NcdCafdTool
✓ Dr.Gini✓ FSC-Tools
✓ IBAC Generator
✓ SWID-Reade
✓ BMWAiCoder 5.0
__________________________________________________ ______________________________
the whole package needs around 590 GB of free space.
the necessary installers need 380/180Gb GB on an external Hard Drive or Laptop.
only 180 Gb for the Cracked ISTA.
ISTA-D Available Languages:
EN-British (en-GB) v4.48.12 + EN-US
Deutsch (de-DE) v4.48.12
Russian (ru-RU) v4.47.31
Portugal (pt-PT) v4.47.20
Espagnol (es-ES) v4.46.21/.30
Francais (fr-FR) v4.46.21
Nederlands (nl-NL) v4.46.21
Polish/Polski (pl-PL) v4.46.30/.21
Italiano (it-IT) v4.45.20/.21
Cestina/Tchèque (cs-CZ) v4.46.21
Chinese (ZN-CN) v4.45.20/v4.45.30