Introduction and Multidiag suitable for Australian cars?

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  • spottyman79
    Compte inactif
    • janvier 2014
    • 1


    Introduction and Multidiag suitable for Australian cars?

    Personal Information
    My name Craig
    My age 33
    My Region Australia
    My city Adelaide
    My passions Cars
    tool (s) diag Tachosoft, Carsoft , FiatECUScan, Elm327
    Vehicle (s) Alfa GTV & 159 , Bmw compact, Datsun 240z , Mazda RX7
    My job / My studies GSe Mechanic

    Hi all,

    I am interested in purchasing the interface for the Multidiag system, I have been trying to find a demo version or password so I can evaluate the software before I purchase it. what worries me that it may not work with the Australian cars, Holden Commodore and Ford Falcon,

    Does any one know if Multidiag works with Holdens & Fords from Australia?

    or does any one know where i can download a keygen so i can test a copy of the software?

    I have typed in this number 093479

    and get this activation code identifier : 28-103672C2CVD

    Thanks in advance,


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