Personal Information
My first name Mohamed
Age 21
My area Middle East, Egypt
My city Mahalla
My passions learning, Automotive knowledge
tool (s) diag OBD 2
vehicle (s) VW Passat 2013
My job / my studies Student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Why shoulds we accept you into the community More info
I'll try to share all information I have and if I know anyone help solution of his / her problem
My first name Mohamed
Age 21
My area Middle East, Egypt
My city Mahalla
My passions learning, Automotive knowledge
tool (s) diag OBD 2
vehicle (s) VW Passat 2013
My job / my studies Student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Why shoulds we accept you into the community More info
I'll try to share all information I have and if I know anyone help solution of his / her problem