slt les pro
j'ai besoin d'activer le sensor capteur de pluie sur une w204
si qel q'un veut bien m'aider en ile de france serai parfait :
je me deplacerai dans la region parisienne et je paierai le tarif demandé
merci cdt
la procedure d'activation :::
1,5,Our customers never lose sight of |where they are going. |Helping to show them the way are the ...|
5,10,... rain and light sensors.|||
11,14,They ensure that the driver always has|a clear view of the road.||
15,18,The sensors are located under a cover|in the windshield.||
19,23,The light sensor comes standard|in the new C-Class.||
24,28,The combined rain/light sensor with two |sensitivity settings is special equipment.||
29,42,To see what makes up the rain/light sensor,|you will have to take it off.||
43,50,Unclip the protective cover.|||
51,55,Pull the electrical connectors.|||
56,60,Carefully push out the two retaining clips.|||
61,64,Now you can remove the rain/light sensor.|||
65,70,A rain/light sensor includes:|An adapter to compensate for various ...||
70,75,... windshield rake angles and thicknesses.|It ensures that the sensor is always directed ...||
75,77,... forward and upward and not down|towards the road.||
78,85,A circuit board on which the light sensor |is installed, an optical assembly |for the rain sensor, ...|
85,88,... and a circuit board with|the electrical connection.||
89,92,The transmitter and receiver diodes of the |rain sensor are installed here.||
93,99,The whole package is placed in a housing. |The housing label shows which |software release is installed.|
100,105,In this case: 06/25. The replacement |part number and the color of the label ...||
105,109,... are different for the light sensor |and the rain/light sensor.||
110,116,When replacing the light sensor or the|combined rain/light sensor, ...||
116,121,... you will need to initialize the sensors|on the windshield using Star Diagnosis.||
122,125,Reason: Green glass, for example, |refracts light differently than blue.||
126,130,Note: Be sure that the engine hood and the|driver door are closed before you begin.||
131,134,Otherwise the wiper will not operate |due to the inhibitor.||
135,138,In Star Diagnosis, select the vehicle model.|||
139,144, Go to the "Current quick test" menu|and select "Rain/light sensor".||
145,152,Select "Initial startup" and continue with F3.|||
153,158,This opens "Initial startup with manual|settings input for new control unit".||
159,163,Information: The new control unit must|have already been installed.||
164,167,Begin initial startup by pressing F2.|||
168,171,The coding is read and modified|if necessary.||
172,177,Select the installed windshield variant.|In our case, green glass.||
178,185,Click on "Yes" and the coding |will be transferred to the control unit.||
186,192,When the operation is completed, the display |will show: "The coding has been carried out".||
193,195,Press F2 to continue.|||
196,201,A note on parameterizing |the rain/light sensor will appear.||
202,205,You must use the indicated software release.|||
206,209,Press F2 to continue.|The coding will be read.||
210,215,The rain sensor is parameterized first.|Select the right coding.||
216,221,The required coding is found on the housing |of the rain sensor. Here: 06/25.||
222,226,Confirm your selection.|Transfer the coding to the control unit.||
227,230,When coding is complete, continue with F2.|||
231,236,Now you need to parameterize the light sensor.|The note on parameterizing ...||
236,241,... the rain/light sensor appears again.|Click on F2 to read the coding.||
242,250,For the parameterization of the light sensor,|select coding 06/25. Confirm with F3.||
251,255,Click on "Yes" and the selected coding will be |transferred to the control unit.||
256,260,When the operation is complete the display|will show: "The coding has been carried out".||
261,267,Continue with F2 to|"Windscreen adaptation of rain sensor".||
268,274,Note: The windshield must be clean and dry|before performing windshield adaptation.||
275,280,Only then should the windshield adaptation |of the rain sensor be launched with F5.||
281,286,When initialization is complete, |continue with F2.||
287,292,Initial startup of the control unit |is now complete.||
293,301,End the operation.|Press F1 to return to "Current quick test".||
302,306,Pressing F9 erases the fault memory.|Confirm by pressing "Yes" |in the dialog window and ...|
306,309,... the fault memory will be erased.|||
310,316,The rain sensor is activated the first time |the windshield wiper is switched on.||
317,320,A "reflex wipe" shows the customer |that it is activated.||
321,325,Two-stage control on combination switch for |optimum adjustment to the visibility conditions.||
326,331,The electronics control the wiping speed|according to requirements from intermittent |to continuous wiping.|
332,335,In a downpour, the highest speed|is automatically selected.||
j'ai besoin d'activer le sensor capteur de pluie sur une w204
si qel q'un veut bien m'aider en ile de france serai parfait :
je me deplacerai dans la region parisienne et je paierai le tarif demandé
merci cdt
la procedure d'activation :::
1,5,Our customers never lose sight of |where they are going. |Helping to show them the way are the ...|
5,10,... rain and light sensors.|||
11,14,They ensure that the driver always has|a clear view of the road.||
15,18,The sensors are located under a cover|in the windshield.||
19,23,The light sensor comes standard|in the new C-Class.||
24,28,The combined rain/light sensor with two |sensitivity settings is special equipment.||
29,42,To see what makes up the rain/light sensor,|you will have to take it off.||
43,50,Unclip the protective cover.|||
51,55,Pull the electrical connectors.|||
56,60,Carefully push out the two retaining clips.|||
61,64,Now you can remove the rain/light sensor.|||
65,70,A rain/light sensor includes:|An adapter to compensate for various ...||
70,75,... windshield rake angles and thicknesses.|It ensures that the sensor is always directed ...||
75,77,... forward and upward and not down|towards the road.||
78,85,A circuit board on which the light sensor |is installed, an optical assembly |for the rain sensor, ...|
85,88,... and a circuit board with|the electrical connection.||
89,92,The transmitter and receiver diodes of the |rain sensor are installed here.||
93,99,The whole package is placed in a housing. |The housing label shows which |software release is installed.|
100,105,In this case: 06/25. The replacement |part number and the color of the label ...||
105,109,... are different for the light sensor |and the rain/light sensor.||
110,116,When replacing the light sensor or the|combined rain/light sensor, ...||
116,121,... you will need to initialize the sensors|on the windshield using Star Diagnosis.||
122,125,Reason: Green glass, for example, |refracts light differently than blue.||
126,130,Note: Be sure that the engine hood and the|driver door are closed before you begin.||
131,134,Otherwise the wiper will not operate |due to the inhibitor.||
135,138,In Star Diagnosis, select the vehicle model.|||
139,144, Go to the "Current quick test" menu|and select "Rain/light sensor".||
145,152,Select "Initial startup" and continue with F3.|||
153,158,This opens "Initial startup with manual|settings input for new control unit".||
159,163,Information: The new control unit must|have already been installed.||
164,167,Begin initial startup by pressing F2.|||
168,171,The coding is read and modified|if necessary.||
172,177,Select the installed windshield variant.|In our case, green glass.||
178,185,Click on "Yes" and the coding |will be transferred to the control unit.||
186,192,When the operation is completed, the display |will show: "The coding has been carried out".||
193,195,Press F2 to continue.|||
196,201,A note on parameterizing |the rain/light sensor will appear.||
202,205,You must use the indicated software release.|||
206,209,Press F2 to continue.|The coding will be read.||
210,215,The rain sensor is parameterized first.|Select the right coding.||
216,221,The required coding is found on the housing |of the rain sensor. Here: 06/25.||
222,226,Confirm your selection.|Transfer the coding to the control unit.||
227,230,When coding is complete, continue with F2.|||
231,236,Now you need to parameterize the light sensor.|The note on parameterizing ...||
236,241,... the rain/light sensor appears again.|Click on F2 to read the coding.||
242,250,For the parameterization of the light sensor,|select coding 06/25. Confirm with F3.||
251,255,Click on "Yes" and the selected coding will be |transferred to the control unit.||
256,260,When the operation is complete the display|will show: "The coding has been carried out".||
261,267,Continue with F2 to|"Windscreen adaptation of rain sensor".||
268,274,Note: The windshield must be clean and dry|before performing windshield adaptation.||
275,280,Only then should the windshield adaptation |of the rain sensor be launched with F5.||
281,286,When initialization is complete, |continue with F2.||
287,292,Initial startup of the control unit |is now complete.||
293,301,End the operation.|Press F1 to return to "Current quick test".||
302,306,Pressing F9 erases the fault memory.|Confirm by pressing "Yes" |in the dialog window and ...|
306,309,... the fault memory will be erased.|||
310,316,The rain sensor is activated the first time |the windshield wiper is switched on.||
317,320,A "reflex wipe" shows the customer |that it is activated.||
321,325,Two-stage control on combination switch for |optimum adjustment to the visibility conditions.||
326,331,The electronics control the wiping speed|according to requirements from intermittent |to continuous wiping.|
332,335,In a downpour, the highest speed|is automatically selected.||