louer sur place mb star c3

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  • 7eme chevalier
    Junior Member
    • novembre 2015
    • 26

    louer sur place mb star c3

    slt les pro

    j'ai besoin d'activer le sensor capteur de pluie sur une w204

    si qel q'un veut bien m'aider en ile de france serai parfait :

    je me deplacerai dans la region parisienne et je paierai le tarif demandé

    merci cdt

    la procedure d'activation :::

    1,5,Our customers never lose sight of |where they are going. |Helping to show them the way are the ...|
    5,10,... rain and light sensors.|||
    11,14,They ensure that the driver always has|a clear view of the road.||
    15,18,The sensors are located under a cover|in the windshield.||
    19,23,The light sensor comes standard|in the new C-Class.||
    24,28,The combined rain/light sensor with two |sensitivity settings is special equipment.||
    29,42,To see what makes up the rain/light sensor,|you will have to take it off.||
    43,50,Unclip the protective cover.|||
    51,55,Pull the electrical connectors.|||
    56,60,Carefully push out the two retaining clips.|||
    61,64,Now you can remove the rain/light sensor.|||
    65,70,A rain/light sensor includes:|An adapter to compensate for various ...||
    70,75,... windshield rake angles and thicknesses.|It ensures that the sensor is always directed ...||
    75,77,... forward and upward and not down|towards the road.||
    78,85,A circuit board on which the light sensor |is installed, an optical assembly |for the rain sensor, ...|
    85,88,... and a circuit board with|the electrical connection.||
    89,92,The transmitter and receiver diodes of the |rain sensor are installed here.||
    93,99,The whole package is placed in a housing. |The housing label shows which |software release is installed.|
    100,105,In this case: 06/25. The replacement |part number and the color of the label ...||
    105,109,... are different for the light sensor |and the rain/light sensor.||
    110,116,When replacing the light sensor or the|combined rain/light sensor, ...||
    116,121,... you will need to initialize the sensors|on the windshield using Star Diagnosis.||
    122,125,Reason: Green glass, for example, |refracts light differently than blue.||
    126,130,Note: Be sure that the engine hood and the|driver door are closed before you begin.||
    131,134,Otherwise the wiper will not operate |due to the inhibitor.||
    135,138,In Star Diagnosis, select the vehicle model.|||
    139,144, Go to the "Current quick test" menu|and select "Rain/light sensor".||
    145,152,Select "Initial startup" and continue with F3.|||
    153,158,This opens "Initial startup with manual|settings input for new control unit".||
    159,163,Information: The new control unit must|have already been installed.||
    164,167,Begin initial startup by pressing F2.|||
    168,171,The coding is read and modified|if necessary.||
    172,177,Select the installed windshield variant.|In our case, green glass.||
    178,185,Click on "Yes" and the coding |will be transferred to the control unit.||
    186,192,When the operation is completed, the display |will show: "The coding has been carried out".||
    193,195,Press F2 to continue.|||
    196,201,A note on parameterizing |the rain/light sensor will appear.||
    202,205,You must use the indicated software release.|||
    206,209,Press F2 to continue.|The coding will be read.||
    210,215,The rain sensor is parameterized first.|Select the right coding.||
    216,221,The required coding is found on the housing |of the rain sensor. Here: 06/25.||
    222,226,Confirm your selection.|Transfer the coding to the control unit.||
    227,230,When coding is complete, continue with F2.|||
    231,236,Now you need to parameterize the light sensor.|The note on parameterizing ...||
    236,241,... the rain/light sensor appears again.|Click on F2 to read the coding.||
    242,250,For the parameterization of the light sensor,|select coding 06/25. Confirm with F3.||
    251,255,Click on "Yes" and the selected coding will be |transferred to the control unit.||
    256,260,When the operation is complete the display|will show: "The coding has been carried out".||
    261,267,Continue with F2 to|"Windscreen adaptation of rain sensor".||
    268,274,Note: The windshield must be clean and dry|before performing windshield adaptation.||
    275,280,Only then should the windshield adaptation |of the rain sensor be launched with F5.||
    281,286,When initialization is complete, |continue with F2.||
    287,292,Initial startup of the control unit |is now complete.||
    293,301,End the operation.|Press F1 to return to "Current quick test".||
    302,306,Pressing F9 erases the fault memory.|Confirm by pressing "Yes" |in the dialog window and ...|
    306,309,... the fault memory will be erased.|||
    310,316,The rain sensor is activated the first time |the windshield wiper is switched on.||
    317,320,A "reflex wipe" shows the customer |that it is activated.||
    321,325,Two-stage control on combination switch for |optimum adjustment to the visibility conditions.||
    326,331,The electronics control the wiping speed|according to requirements from intermittent |to continuous wiping.|
    332,335,In a downpour, the highest speed|is automatically selected.||
  • 7eme chevalier
    Junior Member
    • novembre 2015
    • 26

    tjrs pas activé mon capteur de pluie et je me retrouve sans lumiere interieur !!!

    besoin d'aide svp

