Bosch Zexel ESPI (Zd + Zx + Zw)

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  • liilmrll
    Super Member
    • juin 2013
    • 281


    Bosch Zexel ESPI (Zd + Zx + Zw)

    Bosch Zexel ESPI (Zd + Zx + Zw)

    Year/release date: 2015
    Developer: Bosch Automotive Systems Corporation
    Language: multi-language

    catalogue of spare parts Bosch Zexel Zd, Zw, Zx, cross reference, calibration data pump.

    ZD-Service Parts catalog
    ZW-Calibration Data
    ZX-Cross Reference catalog

    Electronic catalog of auto parts Zexel ESPI contains a detailed catalogue of details and data on cross-referensu for Bosch products manufactured under license by the firm Zexel car for the Japanese market.

    Catalog Bosch Zexel (Zd + Zx + Zw) took 3 CD and with a full installation will require approximately 1 GB of free disk space, it is possible as a partial installation directory and work with the CD drive. The program supports 11 languages.
    Interface base on spare parts Bosch Zexel (Zd + Zx + Zw) is identical to the old versions of the program Bosch. While in the program are available only three search functions by number of Zexel, Bosch number, type of Bosch, there are hopes that in future versions of the functionality of the program would be expanded.

    Best Regards
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  • teckna
    New Member
    • novembre 2014
    • 15

    bonjour , merci pour ce partage,je me sert de la version 2012,mot de passe pour le dechifrage ,stp ,merci d avance


    • mihai
      New Member
      • avril 2024
      • 1

      Bosch Zexel Espi ZX

      Bonjour, liilmrll
      J'ai telecharge le fichier joint, mais c'est rien dans l'archive.
      Tu peut m'aide avec des info pour instaler le programme? Je suis interese en principe que de Bosch Zexel Espi ZX

      Merci beaucoup


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