PP2000, calculateur BSI ne répond pas , 406 2.2HDI

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  • nicolas-e
    Junior Member
    • novembre 2015
    • 21


    PP2000, calculateur BSI ne répond pas , 406 2.2HDI

    Bonsoir à tous,

    je viens de faire l'acquisition d'une interface clone chinois SP08 D.

    Il est en firmware 4.2.2 et est reconnu sous windows xp

    J'ai installé PP2000 avec sa mise à jour sans problème.

    Sur ma 406 coupe 2.2 hdi 100% multiplexé, il ne me reconnait que:
    - le calcutateur moteur (lecture des défauts, paramètre etc OK).
    - le calculateur pour les sieges électriques
    Nada pour les autres.
    J'ai essayé sur une C4 II HDI, idem, que le moteur ...

    J'ai essayé avec diag-b-o-x V7.02 (en bloquant la MAJ firmware en mettant False dans le fichier) et PP2000 V25.01.
    J'ai essayé sur 2 PC.
    j'ai fais aussi l'essai avec les drivers USB com board driver (multi-instance ) USB com board Evolution driver (multi-instance ) et USB com board Evolution driver (UMDF).
    Avec les 2 premiers, pas de changement.
    Avec le dernier, je ne peux pas lacer PP2000 (interface non reconnue).

    Pour la version de firmware, j'ai utilisé psa checker.
    APPLI XS FUJI P106138A V4.2.4 ACTIA 10.05.10
    REFERENCE 963830 B/

    J'ai essayé à diagbox 5.02... toujours pareil...
    Idem petit, et long cable ...

    Ci jointes les photos du truc chinois

    Pensez vous qu'un flash (NLC) pourrais résoudre mon problème ?

    Est ce le filtre TDK absent sur mon interface :

    Merci à tous ceux qui auront pris le temps de me lire.
    Merci aussi à ceux qui m'aiderons

  • nicolas-e
    Junior Member
    • novembre 2015
    • 21


    Pensez vous qu'un flashage de l'interface pourrait aider ?

    Merci d'avance


    - - - Mis à jour - - -

    Re bonsoir,

    Je n'ai pas compris les firmware.

    Faut il que je passe en 4.2.4DB ?

    Que veut dire DB ?

    Merci d'avance



    • Simple
      Super Member
      • août 2015
      • 253

      No, if DiagBox 5.02 did not work, it is unlikely that upgrading the Revision from B to C will make any difference, because re-flashing the VCI to Revision C, is to allow it to work with new DiagBox releases like 5.29+, 6.xx and 7.xx.. But you can always try...

      1- Check all connectors and fuses and ensure all are OK.
      2- Try your VCI (using DiagBox 5.29) on a different car (Citroen or Peugeot), and try a different (working) VCI on your car, to see if the problem is with the car connectors/plugs or with VCI.

      *The communication firmware which helps the VCI communicate with the ECU through DiagBox, is flashed by DiagBox when you start it. Each version of DiagBox flashes a certain Firmware Version. DiagBox v5.29 flashes firmware 4.2.4 (I think), DiagBox v7.62 flashes firmware 4.3.3.
      *The Firmware of the board Revision B or C that includes a serial# is what provides the device identity, PSA has blocked devices with identity B in DiagBox version above DiagBox v5.29.
      *I am not sure if you flash the VCI with Firmware 4.2.2 or 4.2.4 then connect after you start DiagBox v7.62 for example, but you can also try.


      • nicolas-e
        Junior Member
        • novembre 2015
        • 21

        Dear simple,

        Thank for your help on the firmware.
        If I well understand, with a revB firmware, I couldn't use diagbox more than 5.29.

        I try on an old citroen saxo, and a new C4 II HDI.
        In each test, I could only go on the engine ECU, but not in the other (no answer from the ECU).

        When you tamlk about fuse, your are talking about this :

        At the last post, I said that my value seem to be not OK.

        Do you think if I change R6 and shunt R7 it could work.

        Many thank for your help




        • Simple
          Super Member
          • août 2015
          • 253

          Envoyé par nicolas-e
          Dear simple,

          Thank for your help on the firmware.
          If I well understand, with a revB firmware, I couldn't use diagbox more than 5.29.

          I try on an old citroen saxo, and a new C4 II HDI.
          In each test, I could only go on the engine ECU, but not in the other (no answer from the ECU).

          When you tamlk about fuse, your are talking about this :

          At the last post, I said that my value seem to be not OK.

          Do you think if I change R6 and shunt R7 it could work.

          Many thank for your help


          I actually meant the car fuses, you may have a communication problem in the car..

          I don't know the reason for the problem in your case, there are cases where bad connections (in the car cables) can cause communication problems between ECUs. But the source of your problem could be the car and/or could be the VCI device.. So I don't know if you make changes to VCI circuit it would work?? you can try !! But I have noticed that some changes are already made to circuit, which does not look good.... Some components may have changed values due to age or damage, in which case a lot of effort is needed to fix it.

          By the way, did you enter the correct RPO when starting diagnosis? if not, you would get communication errors..

          To confirm your RPO is correct, you can use this site:


          • nicolas-e
            Junior Member
            • novembre 2015
            • 21

            I make the test with other car.
            In each case, I could have one or fiew ECU (engine ECU).
            But I could not go in BSI, and other ECU.
            Si I think it come from my chinese interface.
            Do you think it could be repair ?


            • Simple
              Super Member
              • août 2015
              • 253

              Anything that was made can be repaired; the issue is that is it worth it ?
              There is a thread on this forum, a number of people have tried to upgrade their hardware, but gave up, too much trouble and the cost was more than buying a new Full Chip clone..

              I don't know if your device can be easily fixed, some devices have problems with 207, 308 and C5.. Your problem may be because of missing components or bad quality components, you will only know if you perform tests. But again, is it worth it ?? only you could tell.

              To find out, try using it on a different car..


              • nicolas-e
                Junior Member
                • novembre 2015
                • 21

                Thank Simple for your help.

                As with other car, it 's the same problem, it must come from the chinese interface.
                I will look to find a full chip clone.




                • Simple
                  Super Member
                  • août 2015
                  • 253

                  Check the links in this post:


                  • nicolas-e
                    Junior Member
                    • novembre 2015
                    • 21

                    Hello Simple ,

                    You help me on my problem.

                    I 'm looking for a full chip on aliexpress.
                    I want to order one.
                    Could you give me your feedback on picture of the tool (chip):
                    Nouvelle arrivée! Lexia V50 Diagbox 7.76 série 921815C avec originale puce complet Lexia 3 PP2000 Citroen Peugeot outil de Diagnostic dans Lecteurs de Codes et Outils d'Analyse de Automobiles et motocyclettes sur AliExpress.com | Alibaba Group

                    It we help me a lot.
                    Very big thank in advance
                    Best regards


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