DiagBox initially followed the ISO 639-1 (2 Chr$) language standard (Example EN for English). From DiagBox v7.74 on, Actia released DiagBox with ISO 639-1 (Language) followed by underscore and ISO 3166-1 (Country code/Locale), ie.. en_US or en_GB (5 chr$).
Because DiagBox was patched in the first release, some files from earlier releases still exist in new compilations. Some of those files are now replaced with newer versions that look for 5 chr$ codes and not 2 Chr$ codes causing the (patched) system not to work properly...
It is possible to make DiagBox 7.74+ work with 5 Chr$ properly, but it takes a lot of testing time and effort; since those who wrote the software did not provide documentation with it.
However, I have compiled a genuine PSA DiagBox 7.66-7.72 update; (the latest ISO 639-1 version that works with 2 Chr$), it is mainly an update to Lexia and PP2000 and will upgrade your DiagBox v7.66 system to the following versions:
DiagBox=7.72 Firmware=4.3.3 Lexia=500.69 PP2000=600.73
This is for educational and experimental use, and I hold no responsibility for any improper usage or damage to your system..
Update process:
1- Download "DiagBox_766-772.exe" (~68mb) and reboot your computer and do NOT start DiagBox.
2- Navigate to C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\ and create backup copies of your "cache" folder and "Appdiag.sys" and "cfg.bin" files; (precaution).
3- Run "DiagBox_766-772.exe". Click on "Extract" and When finished restart your computer.
4- Run your DiagBox and it will perform the update.
I could have automated the whole process and made it look like black magic; but it is not, and would defeat the whole purpose of sharing. It is "Simple"
Once again, I am not in this business, I do it for love not for a living, and I don't mind people sharing it (with reference).
If you wish to leave a comment/feedback, please write it in a manner such that others may learn from your experience.
Enjoy; and have a pleasurable time.
DiagBox v7.66-7.72:
DiagBox v7.72-7.74:
Because DiagBox was patched in the first release, some files from earlier releases still exist in new compilations. Some of those files are now replaced with newer versions that look for 5 chr$ codes and not 2 Chr$ codes causing the (patched) system not to work properly...
It is possible to make DiagBox 7.74+ work with 5 Chr$ properly, but it takes a lot of testing time and effort; since those who wrote the software did not provide documentation with it.
However, I have compiled a genuine PSA DiagBox 7.66-7.72 update; (the latest ISO 639-1 version that works with 2 Chr$), it is mainly an update to Lexia and PP2000 and will upgrade your DiagBox v7.66 system to the following versions:
DiagBox=7.72 Firmware=4.3.3 Lexia=500.69 PP2000=600.73
This is for educational and experimental use, and I hold no responsibility for any improper usage or damage to your system..
Update process:
1- Download "DiagBox_766-772.exe" (~68mb) and reboot your computer and do NOT start DiagBox.
2- Navigate to C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\ and create backup copies of your "cache" folder and "Appdiag.sys" and "cfg.bin" files; (precaution).
3- Run "DiagBox_766-772.exe". Click on "Extract" and When finished restart your computer.
4- Run your DiagBox and it will perform the update.
I could have automated the whole process and made it look like black magic; but it is not, and would defeat the whole purpose of sharing. It is "Simple"
Once again, I am not in this business, I do it for love not for a living, and I don't mind people sharing it (with reference).
If you wish to leave a comment/feedback, please write it in a manner such that others may learn from your experience.
Enjoy; and have a pleasurable time.
DiagBox v7.66-7.72:
DiagBox v7.72-7.74: