DiagBox 8.01 Installation

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  • aguy22
    • octobre 2016
    • 192


    I made a mistake for the VC++ 2008 in 7.57 update, you're right the vmwaretools install effectively the VC++ 2008 ;o)
    I knew for Vmware cloning (just a quick test) and the virtualbox tweak. I have working in web developpement and I finished like server administration with virtualization technologies LXC/LXD from Ubuntu (linux contenairs) passing through KVM & OpenVZ.

    I confirm you my problem of installation came from the latency a VM system, I made a clean installation and waiting for 2-3 min the good tasks opening and it works like a charm !
    I follow the test for updates with this step :
    at the step of 8.10, during the launch of diagbox a warning message that missing id0250 & id0249 :
    Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		diagbox-801-winxp.net-351-2017-08-23-00-53-19.png 
Affichages :	1 
Taille :		50,2 Ko 
ID : 			313417

    at the step of 811-814, after the update and during the exiting of diagbox
    Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		diagbox-801-winxp.net-351-2017-08-23-01-08-29.png 
Affichages :	1 
Taille :		27,4 Ko 
ID : 			313418

    and finaly at 8.15-8.17 step, during the diagbox update, after the installation of 8.15-8.17 update and THE reboot (at each update)
    Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		diagbox-801-winxp.net-351-2017-08-23-01-46-20.png 
Affichages :	1 
Taille :		45,0 Ko 
ID : 			313419

    I tried to reboot, install again the update, reboot and launch diagbox and same message.
    I've replaced the c:\awroot\bin\fi\appdiag.sys with the keeping one of v8.01 installation and same problem ??

    May be this details can tell you something ??
    Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
    Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


    • Simple
      Super Member
      • août 2015
      • 253

      If you are running Windows XP, try the registry update given by xlv600 here:

      Download the ZIP file, extract it and run HKCS_Firebird.reg . See if the helps. But before you that, open your Registry and compare the contents of the file to your registry. It may be related to the Windows XP, being VL or Retail, or because of the French system or any other reason.. It may also be unrelated and the problem is somewhere else.

      Note: I am not assuming you don't know how to open or run a registry file, but I am writing my answer such that when others who have similar problem read it, they understand what to do.

      By the way, why don't you try VirtualBox, it is much faster!!


      • xlv600
        Super Member
        • octobre 2014
        • 674

        My .REG file only restore proper access to firebird services. If after boot, both fbguard and fbserver services are present in the windows task manager it won't help.

        It seems that I used the same source that Simple for installing v7, the one with an italian leeme.txt . I've no time currently to go ahead with finding a solution to complete the 8.37 update. On the VM I've restored the v8.17 on the X201 I have the corrupted v8.37 so I can do comparisons. I may install Revo on the VM to trace the changes done.

        @simple didn't you post a tutorial to build those updates? It would be a good ressource for troubleshouting, I think.


        • aguy22
          • octobre 2016
          • 192


          Yes for regedit ;o) 30years ago I've made a lot of windows installation....
          my firebird guard & server are launched correctly

          Here is my registry values :
          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\FirebirdGuardianDefaultInstance
          C:\APP\FIREBIRD\bin\fbguard.exe -s
          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\FirebirdServerDefaultInstance
          C:\APP\FIREBIRD\bin\fbserver.exe -s

          the problem come from elsewhere...

          In the beginning I used virtualbox, more smart and speed ! But the USB virtualization in my desktop corrupts datas flow.
          With CAN CLIP I have wrong datas received by CLIP and corrupts the diagnosis.
          So I quit, I return to vmware that I encounter an other problem with delphi (diagnosis software) & autodata (renault) that won't runs under a vmware and I found on the web one trick to 'isolate' a vmware and it runs correctly ;o)

          I have a few little questions about diagbox that hangs around, can I ask it to you ?

          - - - Mis à jour - - -


          Hi, thanks for your answer but lioke you smell it it don't resolve my problem, I'm going to try some tricks... to see ;o)

          So have you the same 'problems' with diagbox 8 installation in the steps that I describe or not ?
          Which environment you use ?

          have a nice day !
          Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
          Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


          • xlv600
            Super Member
            • octobre 2014
            • 674

            Envoyé par aguy22

            Yes for regedit ;o) 30years ago I've made a lot of windows installation....
            On Windows 2.0 really? In that years, it was just a proof of concept. It began really with Win3.1 in the 90's.
            So have you the same 'problems' with diagbox 8 installation in the steps that I describe or not ?
            Which environment you use ?

            have a nice day !
            My VMs are under Win8.1 and VBox 5.1.10 (mouse issue with later ones)


            • aguy22
              • octobre 2016
              • 192


              No I'm starting with windows 3.1, but I'm working on commodore 64 with tape reader & a TRS80 with monochrome screen in my school in 1979 and later with my first computer : IBM with 8087 microprocessor with only a DOS and a double soft disk reader/writer 5/4" ;o)
              Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
              Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


              • aguy22
                • octobre 2016
                • 192

                I found a solution for me to jump successfuly the update 8.15-8.17 update, I've installed .net 4.0 x86.
                But I have exactly the same problem for 8.17-8.37 : the same screen & the update failed !?

                Good luck to you ;o)
                Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                • xlv600
                  Super Member
                  • octobre 2014
                  • 674

                  Envoyé par aguy22
                  I found a solution for me to jump successfuly the update 8.15-8.17 update, I've installed .net 4.0 x86.
                  But I have exactly the same problem for 8.17-8.37 : the same screen & the update failed !?

                  Good luck to you ;o)
                  .net4.0 was already installed on my VM because it's the one I use for CanClip and it's required for running the keygen. I think I installed it too on the X201 (it's an habit)
                  Ouch! Of course it's also on the X201 coz CanClip and C3 are already up and running on the that partition.


                  • Simple
                    Super Member
                    • août 2015
                    • 253

                    FYI, the VirtualBox Mouse problem was fixed in 5.1.26.


                    • xlv600
                      Super Member
                      • octobre 2014
                      • 674

                      Yes I've seen that, but why change if it's running fine. I'll have to edit all my VMs to adapt Guest Additions and stay synced.


                      • Simple
                        Super Member
                        • août 2015
                        • 253

                        Agree, but sometimes changes to one file require changes in another.

                        I have a bad habit of (at least) testing any thing new.. I guess this is how I managed to find a solution to DiagBox 8.xx installation and the updates, while my car will work with any old version.

                        There is a saying that goes: If it is not broken, don't fix it. I can see the wisdom behind it, as I grow older!!.

                        P.S. Excellent description of flashing firmware, you have here:

                        I think you should re-post it in a thread of its own, to help others find it easier.


                        • aguy22
                          • octobre 2016
                          • 192

                          Hi everybody ;o)
                          I made try yesterday and I have 2 things to expose to you :

                          - I'm back to a copy of my dd to 8.01 (good installation), I installed .net 4.0 x86 (which contains VC++ 2008) on it with the hope of succefully updates without problem and I was very surprise when the update 8.02 failed ??
                          I've made 2 try and for the same result.
                          updates seems to be very sensible at this environment !?
                          here is the difference between VC++2008 come from vmware tools & diagbox :
                          Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		diagbox-801-winxp.net-351-2017-08-23-22-14-45.png 
Affichages :	1 
Taille :		71,8 Ko 
ID : 			313430

                          - I'm back to 8.01, removed the version of VC++ installed by vmware tools and re-installed VC++ 2008 come from diagbox 8.01. I've made all updates until 8.17 without any problem with an important precaution : at each starting, gave 2-3 mn of time to let all task started surely (like for a good 8.01 installation)
                          But i arrived to same point of xlv600 : update failed at 8.17-8.37 ??

                          May be I will make a try with win 7 32b...

                          Nice day ;o)
                          Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                          Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                          • xlv600
                            Super Member
                            • octobre 2014
                            • 674

                            Envoyé par Simple
                            Excellent description of flashing firmware, you have here.
                            Thank you, it's my pleasure ! But I was a bit late at work this morning


                            • aguy22
                              • octobre 2016
                              • 192


                              Here is few small questions that I kept in my head... If you want to answer it ? thanks

                              - Is there a particular reason that's update firmware is OFF (set to FALSE) since the version 8 ?
                              - is there a difference between the reference of interface : 921815 C (original) & 963830 C (flashed) ?
                              - what doing the program cache_content.exe ?
                              - after renaming AWROOT to AWROOT7 and the activation of v8 with program AWRoot_v7_Conf+Ativation_v8.exe, can we safely remove old folder AWROOT7 or it's needed by updates ?

                              Many thanks ;o)
                              Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                              Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                              • Simple
                                Super Member
                                • août 2015
                                • 253

                                - Firmware update is set to OFF in the standard release, I have not changed any think in version 8.xx. But if you wish it to be automatically updated, I posted a thread on this site with the files necessary to achieve that.
                                - Each Original VCI has it's own serial number, I think the Chinese just copy one file to all their clones. I don't think there is a functional difference.
                                - Sometimes, when the installation fails, DiagBox deletes the contents of the cache folder. I copied the main files so that DiagBox can start and it automatically populate the rest of the files.
                                - If all is fine you can remove all traces of DiagBox 7. However, if you run the activator twice, you will have a backup copy of all the files needed for proper operation in case of a disaster. I think I named the extention BKP, so if you search for *.bkp you will find all the changed files.


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