DiagBox 8.01 Installation

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  • aguy22
    • octobre 2016
    • 192

    Many thanks for this answer !!

    For automatic update of interface, I know how to change MAJ to TRUE (thank to you)
    Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
    Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


    • Simple
      Super Member
      • août 2015
      • 253

      Well, I am afraid it is not enough. You could try, and if you fail search for the post and download the missing files and follow instructions..


      • xlv600
        Super Member
        • octobre 2014
        • 674

        Hi, Simple,

        The problem I was facing with v8.37 is that Diagbox gives no clue on the error, the Launcher log is empty, no specific error other that "Fail to update, bye".
        Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		DiaBox_v838_Install error.png 
Affichages :	1 
Taille :		34,5 Ko 
ID : 			313435
        When retrying, the message appears when the progress bar is at about a quater of full scale and it takes only 15s.

        I'm progressing. With Procmon.exe an antic Sysinternals tool, I could trace File and Registry access. And I found that the log files are now grouped in c:\AWRoot\dtwr\trace\

        So I found in c:\AWRoot\dtwr\trace\traceLauncher\TraceLaucher_Timestamp.log that it couldn't delete SIM.exe . I thought at first it was due to the mix of slash and backslash in the path, but it seems to be accepted by WinXP now:

        Apply MAJ@
        delete file before copy C:/APP/sim\sim.exe failed!!
        Apply failed!!!
        I suspected the coder to have more sympathy with Linus Torvalds than Bill Gates. Is it?
        In fact the error maybe the forgetting to kill sim.exe and eclipse.exe in the ap.ini, before applying the changes.

        - Kill Sim.exe
        - Kill Eclipse.exe
        - Launch DiagBox
        and you should see some progression.

        Here on the X201 I get other errors with VC_80 mappings. I thought it was due to some messing on my side with the VC++ framework so I did the v8.37 uprade on the VM running DiagBox 8.17 too.
        Killing Sim and Eclipse before launching DiagBox to performe the second stage of the upgrade. The launcher complete and pass the relay to diagnostic.exe (the GUI with a black background) and then I get several time this error, the same on my two DiagBox installations:
        Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		DiagBox_v837_AWCore_vc80.png 
Affichages :	1 
Taille :		15,7 Ko 
ID : 			313432

        Now looking at c:\AWRoot\dtwr\trace\traceFI\AWFInterpreter_vc80.l og
        I can see that the first Error occurs with
        osp.core.BundleLoader: [Error] Failed to start bundle fr.actia.AWFservices.POLUX_FAC: Cannot load library: C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\cache\fr.actia.AWF.tags.MMI_vc80.dll
        When DiagBox was closed, I felt it was time to test your tool Cache Contents.exe
        And yes, it was efficient as I could run DiagBox again and complete the installation. But I fear, I'm back in v8.17 as is displayed in right upper corner.
        Now AWFInterpreter completes its job in 1/2s and resolves those versions:
        com.osp.BundleRepository: [Information] Loaded bundle...
        It seems OK, back in 8.17 but when I exit DiagBox I still get this new message:
        Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		DiagBox_v837_DDCecuReader.png 
Affichages :	1 
Taille :		9,1 Ko 
ID : 			313433

        I try to get further, kill the services and run next v836-v838 Update
        Then I reboot an launch DiagBox, but the Launcher stops and exhibit the same preceding issue with new explicit popup error from Sim.exe:
        Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		DiagBox_v838_SIM.png 
Affichages :	1 
Taille :		6,7 Ko 
ID : 			313434
        Dernière modification par xlv600, 25 août 2017, 01h35.


        • Simple
          Super Member
          • août 2015
          • 253

          Probably there is some file version mismatch some where, trace this file "fr.actia.AWF.tags.WebSocketSrv_vc80.dll". but I think you can ignore that and continue with the rest of updates, up to 8.50. I remember users reported that they were able to perform some functions, that they could not do before, only after installing 8.47.

          Also check what are your Lexia and PP2000 versions after applying updates.


          • xlv600
            Super Member
            • octobre 2014
            • 674

            I'll go ahead this evening, but you put me on the right way.

            Looking at fr.actia.AWF.tags.WebSocketSrv, it's version is 1.00 and it can be found in
            c:\AWRoot\bin\fi\bndl\fr.actia.AWF.tags.WebSocketS rv_1.0.0.bndl
            At this stage, looking at c:\AWRoot\dtwr\trace\traceFI\AWFInterpreter_vc80.l og is a very good tool to see what went wrong.
            After starting TagManagerService, the first that went wrong was:
            [Debug] Starting bundle fr.actia.AWF.services.POLUX_FAC
            [Debug] Starting bundle fr.actia.AWF.tags.MMI
            [Debug] Loading library C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\cache\fr.actia.AWF.tags.MMI_vc80.dll
            [Error] Failed to start bundle fr.actia.AWF.services.POLUX_FAC: Cannot load library: C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\cache\fr.actia.AWF.tags.MMI_vc80.dll
            But at this time C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\cache\ was not empty as it could launch the TagManager
            I'll explore this later...

            But to make it simple
            The steps I will follow to reach v8.50 is repeat in a loop:
            - Kill services
            - Install the next update
            - Reboot
            - Launch DiagBox
            - Close it when it says it failed
            - Lock at c:\AWRoot\dtwr\trace\traceLauncher\TraceLauncher_2 017-08-25.log and see the service that was not killed
            - kill the offending services
            - Launch DiagBox again and let diagnose.exe exhibit its error messages, valid them and quit
            - Start Cache Contents.exe and let it fill c:\AWRoot\bin\fi\cache\
            - Launch DiagBox again and let it complete the upgrade process.
            - Report versions seen in
            * c:\APP\LEXIA\applic.ini,
            * c:\APP\OUTILREP\applic.ini
            * c:\AWRoot\dtrd\firmware\appli.com
            to be cont'd...

            I'm late now


            • Simple
              Super Member
              • août 2015
              • 253

              I think after all that testing and tracing, you have enough know how to perform the changes required to install the (FULL) later DiagBox updates.. The main problems are in the Bundle folder and if you have access to some genuine (dealer) installation where can copy updated files, you will most likely succeed.

              However, there should be no file problems with updates you have, they are all genuine.

              Try this process:
              - Kill Processes (run twice or thrice)
              - Install update
              - Launch DiagBox (to copy new files over old ones)
              - Restart computer and Launch DiagBox again.

              Also apply the registry changes again (I know it does not make sense, but I have seen Indian movies of this sort!!)

              I would also advise (for testing and educational purposes) that you install DiagBox / Windows 7 / VirtualBox to compare, you might reach results faster.

              But if you do install Windows 7, disable I/O ACPI after Windows 7 installation on Virtual Box (makes run faster). Notice, You cannot install Windows 7 with ACPI feature turned OFF and you cannot disable it from menu after installation either.

              To disable I/O ACPI, run the following instruction from Administrator CMD:

              C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage modifyvm vm_name --acpi off


              • aguy22
                • octobre 2016
                • 192

                @xlv600 :
                Well done for this job, I'll make a try this evening.

                Yesterday I made a try with a complete installation with win7 32b & .net 4.5.2 (comes within) from scratch, I removed VC++ 2008 from VMware tolls and install Diagbox one. I've finished in 2 o'clock morning.

                I've been patient with the restart of computer to waiting all task to be launched and I arrived to 8.17 without any problems but with the 8.17-8.37 failed exactly like in winxp sp3. At the last third part of update installation by diagbox. Surely after al ong time to copying files and in the last quick part failed like said xlv600.

                Just a little comment : the horizontal part of menu "notice d'information" doesn't work at all since the v8 installed...

                I'm back to xp sp3 and test xlv600 insrtructions !!
                Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                • aguy22
                  • octobre 2016
                  • 192

                  Many thanks to you to give tools to 'learn to fish when you are hungry' ;o)

                  Can you give me a link or a name to get a good tracer for windows, like that I can understand more details on update process !
                  I'm sure you are more up to date than me ;o)

                  For me, yesterday evening was a good, here some tricks to update diagbox for winxp sp3 + .net 3.51 + VC++ 2008 (diagbox) :
                  - 8.17-8.37
                  After update & reboot and before launch diagbox, kill sim.exe & j9w.exe process, and just simply launch diagbox.
                  (problems come from unable to replace C:/APP/sim\sim.exe & C:/APP/ediag/plugins\com.ibm.edis.cs.ediagmlobject.jar)

                  - 8.35-8.38
                  After update & reboot and before launch diagbox, kill j9w.exe process, and just simply launch diagbox.
                  (problems come from unable to replace C:/APP/ediag/plugins\org.eclipse.osgi_3.2.2.R32x_v20061101.jar)

                  - 838-842
                  BEFORE update installation, kill sim.exe process, and just simply launch diagbox.
                  (problems come from ?? no error reported during update but cause perturbations on sim process launching after update)

                  Here is a full report with partial log, update by update : report

                  I'm getting this morning the following updates and I make a try after !

                  Do you think we can modify the update script to take this change ?

                  Problem that staying for me : No diagbox version was updated in version.ini ?? with no error reported in log
                  I can do it manually but can you give the link between v8 versions and v7, like that I can try software

                  Thank you ;o)
                  Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                  Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                  • Simple
                    Super Member
                    • août 2015
                    • 253

                    The update process is internal to DiagBox and there is no point of changing it, what needs to be investigated is why this is happening in your case, why is it not happening for me and many other users? You may have file Corruption/Version Mismatch or Memory/Hard Disk problem.

                    I think that something has gone wrong or was overlooked at an early stage that is carrying over to later update stages. In some of my installations I would kill all processes twice and rename AWRoot to AWRoot7 and APP to APP7, then use DBCleaner.exe utility to remove V7 installation as Amin, I would then restart the computer and run DBCleaner.exe again because there are two services it could not remove at the first attempt. Is it possible that file overwriting did not go well in your case?

                    There are many free tools one of which is "Sysinternals" utilities, free from Microsoft to trace what is happening.

                    To help with your investigation, here are the details of a successful installation I performed few days back: DiagBox 8.50 / Windows XP SP3 / VirtualBox 5.1.26 / Windows 10 X64 (15063.540) / HW i7 Kaby Lake CPU 16 GB RAM.

                    Started with DiagBox 7.01 (did not go to 7.02) and continued to 7.57. Installed 8.01 and updated to 8.17, then continued with all other updates to 8.50.

                    The Windows XP X86 installation has IDE 1 CPU, 3 GB RAM
                    This is a list of what is Installed:
                    1- VirtualBox Guest Additions
                    2- Internet Explorer 8 (some PSA software will not work well with IE 6 which comes with XP, so I install IE 8)
                    4- Mozilla FireFox
                    5- 7Zip 17.00 Beta
                    6- .Net 3.51 (.NET 2 and 3 come with the package)
                    7- Visual C++ 2005 (installed by DiagBox)
                    8- Visual C++ 2008 (installed from C:\teleassistance\visualC\vcredist_x86.exe)
                    9- SPS32_MSI ((DiagBox)
                    10- FTDI Driver package (2 instances, DiagBox)

                    May be useful (depending on your Windows version) in case you need to run (Administrative CMD) some Diagnostics or fixes (X is the source drive):
                    C:\WINDOWS\system32>SFC /SCANNOW
                    C:\WINDOWS\system32>CHKDSK /b /f /v /SCAN C:
                    C:\WINDOWS\system32>DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
                    C:\WINDOWS\system32>DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore
                    C:\WINDOWS\system32>DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:WIM:X:\Sources\Install.wim:1 /LimitAccess


                    • aguy22
                      • octobre 2016
                      • 192


                      In my case 2 of my problems comes from that update can't delete files before copying new ones like writing in a my log file :
                      C:/APP/sim\sim.exe & C:/APP/ediag/plugins\com.ibm.edis.cs.ediagmlobject.jar

                      it's just normal services ar running for sim.exe and j9w.exe for java files.

                      May be this files contained in c:\APP files are not deleted by the v8 installation, I'll make a try with deleting renaming c:\APP before launch v8 installation. I'm sure that I'm win time ;o) deleting files by v8 installation are very long ...

                      Thank you for this informations and for sysinternals ;o)
                      Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                      Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                      • aguy22
                        • octobre 2016
                        • 192

                        thank you for this details ;o)
                        I've downloaded sysinternals suite to see after ...

                        For the way you proposed to me to clean v7 with dbcleaner and my hands, I think is the better way if the only aim to install v7 are to get registration infomations & files (it seems to be the case)

                        I did dit :
                        - install v7
                        - update 7.57
                        - rename AWROOT & APP
                        - run dbcleaner
                        - kill tasks
                        - install v8
                        - and error !! unable to start firebird services.

                        After investigations with logs and regedit ;o)
                        I found the problem, during v8 installation windows regfistry infomations about firebird services don't upgrade. The place of this service are moved from from 'C:\AWRoot\bin\lib\firebird\bin' to 'C:\APP\firebird\bin'.
                        I made the good modifications in windows registry and diagbox 8.01 run like a charm !

                        I continued with this and run updates until 8.17-8.37 updates and have exactly the same problems with the same logs !!
                        If you have some time I'm very curious to see if you can confirm this and found the reason of why ;o)
                        - run diagbox until 8.17, run 8.17-8.37 update and before launch installation
                        - verify if you have this file in updates c:\awroot\dtwr\updt\...\APP/ediag/plugins\com.ibm.edis.cs.ediagmlobject.jar
                        - and try to delete this file : C:/APP/ediag/plugins\com.ibm.edis.cs.ediagmlobject.jar. So If you can't, kill the process j9w.exe and try to delete again

                        Same things for sim.exe in c:\awroot\dtwr\updt\...\APP\sim\sim.exe & c:\APP\sim\sim.exe

                        The only way I've seen to have no problems with this update are sim.exe & j9w.exe services are successfuly stoped during the diagbox launching & updating? You can make & try and keeping a look on services.

                        I just normal update or anybody can't delete c:\APP\sim\sim.exe file when sim.exe is started. windows system protects their running services and applications.

                        So i made a good trick to stop j9w.exe and sim.exe before launching diagbox and I had no errors.
                        I continued updates until 8.47 successfully.

                        I think I'm keeping the way you told me to clean v7 before install v8 (with the firebird trick), really I think is the better way to have a clean v8.

                        Next time I'll post a report of this installation and solutions... for me and xlv600 I hope so ;o)
                        Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                        Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                        • Simple
                          Super Member
                          • août 2015
                          • 253

                          Good Job, but I can see where the problem has started, can you read this (#159) again:

                          Envoyé par Simple
                          In some of my installations I would kill all processes twice and rename AWRoot to AWRoot7 and APP to APP7, then use DBCleaner.exe utility to remove V7 installation as Admin, I would then restart the computer and run DBCleaner.exe again because there are two services it could not remove at the first attempt. Is it possible that file overwriting did not go well in your case?
                          You see, DiagBox installation process seems to have not been able to overwright the previous V7 services because they are still active... DiagBox 7 uses Java 6 and DiagBox 8 uses Java 7, if something cannot be overwritten, you end up with the wrong file version or location!!. This is why I make sure that all services and processes are dead.

                          I have not traced the process to see if only the Registry changes are performed during this step. If there is more to be done, then this could be the reason behind your problem.

                          If you wish to restart DiagBox v8.01 installation and you still have AWRoot7, you just Kill processes and run DBCleaner (Admin) (uninstall DiagBox and Clean) and restart the computer and run DBCleaner (Admin) again. Uninstall DiagBox will give an error but Clean will find some services that have not been removed the first time!!.

                          The bottom line is, you need to ensure all DiagBox services have been stopped, no DiagBox file is open and no process is active...


                          • xlv600
                            Super Member
                            • octobre 2014
                            • 674

                            Hi there,

                            Finally I succeed to install v8.50 on the Lenovo X201, with absolutly no error.
                            I just had to restart from nothing and strictly follow Simple instructions (as Simple as that ).
                            I never had to run the batch to kill services in v8 install process, only once in v7.

                            Nevertheless I wonder about appli.com version, it should have changed to v4.3.5 in Update v8.45 but it doesn't seem to be integrated in the Simple release "DiagBox Update V8.42-V8.46.exe", for this reason in v8.50 installation "c:\AWRoot\dtrd\firmware\appli.com" is still in v4.3.4.
                            The Lexia version is 500.74 since Update v8.37, the PP200 version is 600.80 since Update v8.38.

                            It's really important to follow carefully the instructions, as if you miss a step, some files may be forgotten an you'll get a buggy install, you can find your way to go ahead as I did, but if you check some milestones you will see they are missing.
                            For instance you will get no error if you udate and install in a tight loop, without rebooting, but if you check some files once arrived in v8.50, you will see that Lexia and PP2000 are not uptodate .
                            So as Simple said, the good way to install post v802 updates is :
                            - - - - -
                            - Run update
                            - Launch DiagBox
                            - Reboot
                            - Launch DiagBox again
                            - - - - -
                            - Run next update
                            - Launch DiagBox
                            - ... and so on!

                            => As aguy22 said, it's good practice to insure that HD activity goes low after the reboot before launching DiagBox.
                            => Some times DiagBox seems to stall, but if you check with the process manager (or better with Sysinternal's portable utility
                            ProcExp.exe) the Launcher is runing what seems to be a database migration tool.


                            • aguy22
                              • octobre 2016
                              • 192

                              I'll make another try with a double dbclean v7 before install v8, to see if the regedit have a good update about firebird processes ;o)

                              a liitle question : I update v7 with 7.76-7.82, i extract the 'rar' files with password Maitresox01 after that the update ask me a password I try Maitresox01, Simple... Nothing run, Have you a password or a trick for me please ?

                              I agree with you on steps to follow to have a good updates without any errors :
                              - Wait at each reboot the sim.exe proccess end his task
                              - install updates / run diagbox / reboot / run diagbox : because after updates processes are stopped by updates so sim.exe & java files can be deleted and replaced !

                              For me I prefer stay in a traditionnal install & correct just the 2 updates which failing : 817-837 & 838-838.

                              So have a nice day ;o)
                              Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                              Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                              • Simple
                                Super Member
                                • août 2015
                                • 253

                                This is a compilation of DiagBox 7.76-7.83, I have not tried it, the password is in the file name! or the signature, can you guess it?

                                MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on privacy. Claim your free 20GB now

                                By the way, for DiagBox 8.01 installation, you need DiagBox 7.49 or higher. So you don't need 7.83 unless you want to run both versions.

                                Good luck. Simple!


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