DiagBox 8.01 Installation

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  • Simple
    Super Member
    • août 2015
    • 253

    Reboot your computer and run the "AWRoot_v7_Activation_for_v801.exe" again.. then start DiagBox. If you dont have this file download it again..

    Also, are you using Virtual Machine? or installing on a notebook?


    • flashbax
      Junior Member
      • septembre 2012
      • 40

      J'installe sur un laptop, Windows 7 avec absolument toutes les mises à jour importantes. Je me demande si ce n'est pas parce que la 1e activation n'a pas marché ?
      J'utilise la version 7.01+patch 7.02 référencée ici. Le programme n'est pas activé si on ne laisse pas se terminer l'installation Lexia+PP2000, au prochain lancement il propose de nouveau l'activation. Donc je termine l'installation jusqu'à avoir diagbox 7.01 fonctionnel.
      Je redémarre le PC, je m'assure d'avoir .net 3.5 (en fait, 4.61), vc++ 2008 et java, je renomme AWRoot en AWRoot7 et je lance l'installation de diagbox 8. La version 7 est alors purgée. A la boite de dialogue d'activation, j'annule et je quitte diagbox.
      J'installe AWRoot_v7_Activation_for_v801.exe, je redémarre, je lance diagbox 8... et c'est fini, l'application n'est pas activée. Java 7 ou Java 8, c'est pareil.


      • Simple
        Super Member
        • août 2015
        • 253

        OK, from the beginning....
        I had an idea sometime back that instead of trying to crack the activation system of DiagBox v8, why not inject the Activation of DiagBox v7 into it??? So the issue here is HOW????

        Your Activation file is APPDIA.SYS, this file is created when you install DiagBox by the installation process, until now well and good.
        So, if you manage to install the various engines (java nad VC++) and extract the contents of DiagBox to the appropriate folders and update the registry and replace the DiagBox v7 activation it should work... and it did work.. Until now I think all is clear..

        Now I needed to find a mechanism to perform all these requirements.. Because, if you do not activate DiagBox v8, it does not finish the installation!!! So, the installation of Java 7 and VC++ 2008, SVG Viewer 3.03and .NET 3.5 are required by DiagBox v8 NOT V7.. Usually DiagBox V8 installs them automatically, but in my case it did not!! Hence, I install them before DiagBox..

        Now, you install DiagBox v7 so that the APPDIAG.SYS (for your computer) is created (this file has your DiagBox profile tied to information about your computer) so if you use this file in another computer it will NOT work, and if you change the network card or MAC address, it will not work etc... DiagBox V8 has to be installed on the same Windows on the same computer to be able to use APPDIAG.SYS v7. This Configuration is ties to some other files/file versions as well.

        After the creation of your DiagBox v7 profile, you don't need DiagBox v7, so you can stop it.. and rename the folder holding profile configuration files from "C:\AWRoot" to C:\AWRoot7". This is so that you do not delete the profile files when performing uninstall or if you install DiagBox v8 (because it detects and deletes previous DiagBox versions).

        Now, when you install DiagBox v8, it will stop at the Activation request. If it is activated, it will continue the installation, if not, it will not allow you to continue the installation.. So what we need inform DiagBox v8 that it is activated. This is done by copying the configuration files and files that are associated with it. What is the problem here?... If you do not reboot some files may be open already and when you try to rename them it will fail and when you try to copy other files to replace them, it will also fail.. You will end up with a system that does NOT have the full operation Activation set... It will NOT work...

        I think, all is clear now... The files that are needed from DiagBox v7 are the configuration files (APPDIA.SYS, CFG.BIN, CONFIG.SYS and INFOPDS.XML), Except for APPDIAG.SYS, I was able to carry all other files to Windows 10 and Windows XP (all 32 bit).. However, I always use DiagBox as the name off my DiagBox v7 installation and the other information is all here:
        ClientCode="DIAGBOX", Corporate Country="" Name="N" Address="A" ZipCode="P" City="T" Phone="1" Fax="F" Email="E"

        I have not tried to install on a French Windows, may be CONFIG.SYS holds Data about language or region also (I don't know), if this is true, then some of my files will not work for you... in this case you do the following:

        1- Install DiagBox V7.01 and use the above information to Activate, update to 7.02 and update 7.xx-7.57.. restart the computer.
        2- Stop Firebird Service and the DiagBox processes from Task Manager and rename "C:\AWRoot" to "C:\AWRoot7".
        3- Install VC++ 2008, .NET 3.5 SP1 and Java 7xx
        4- Install DiagBox v8 and at the activation close it and restart the computer
        5- Run the "AWRoot_v7_Activation_for_v801.exe", if it works, great. If it does not, then manually copy APPDIAG.SYS, CFG.BIN, CONFIG.SYS and INFOPDS.XML to their respective locations..
        6- Continue the installation (if V7 worked, v8 should work)

        That's all. Good luck and tell us how did it go..

        OK, I can confirm that if I change the ckientcode (<Profile Type="WRS" ClientCode="DIAGBOX" Rights="&lt;EncryptedData) in "C:\AWRoot\dtwr\cfg\infopds.xml" you will have problems. Since APPDIAG.SYS was created with a clientCode that may be different to the DiagBox, you will have problems.

        Also, you can try editing the XML file and change it to the name you used when installing DiagBox v7, there are two occurences only one above is critical, but you can change both..


        • patber
          Legendary Member

          • mars 2013
          • 4210

          Oh Wow you are getting there Simple!


          • TTAV134
            • mai 2013
            • 218

            Envoyé par flashbax
            je m'assure d'avoir .net 3.5 (en fait, 4.61)
            Attention, il faut .net framwork 3.5 pour installer l'update 8.02, la version 4.61 ce n'est pas la même chose. Le 4.x ne se substitue pas au 3.5.

            -Sous Windows 7, 8, Vérifiez que le .Net Framework 3.5 (3.51) est bien activé.
            Allez dans
            Panneau de configuration > Programmes >Activer ou désactiver des fonctionnalités Windows > .NET Framework 3.5 (3.51) (inclut .NET 2.0 et 3.0).
            -Sur Windows XP, télécharger et installer .NET Framework 3.5 > ici <

            Envoyé par flashbax
            Je me demande si ce n'est pas parce que la 1e activation n'a pas marché ?
            C'est sur, si la version 7 n'est pas activée, pas la peine d'aller plus loin
            Dernière modification par TTAV134, 02 mars 2016, 10h36.


            • flashbax
              Junior Member
              • septembre 2012
              • 40

              Non, en fait rien à voir avec .net, sous Windows 7 l'installation 4.61 contient la version 3.5. Java 8 dernière mise à jour est aussi OK.
              Il y a un quatrième fichier primordial : infopds.xml qui contient l'identifiant PC, l'adresse, le code client (j'avais laissé XX par défaut). C'est ce qu'a expliqué Simple entre temps.
              Donc j'y suis arrivé comme ça :
              - installation diagbox 7.01 avec installation Lexia+PP2000 et activation manuelle complète
              - lancement diagbox 7.01 avec patch 7.02 intégré
              - patch diagbox 7.57 (avec redémarrage PC)
              - sauvegarde AWRoot (au moins les 4 fichiers cités plus bas)
              - installation diagbox 8.01 avec désinstallation automatique de la v7, annulation de l'activation
              - installation AWRoot_v7_Activation_for_v801.exe
              - restauration de appdiag.sys et cfg.bin vers C:\AWRoot\bin\fi, config.sys et infopds.xml vers C:\AWRoot\dtwr\cfg
              - redémarrage PC
              - lancement diagbox 8.01 et installation de Lexia et PP2000
              - patch 8.02 OK
              - patch 8.10 perd l'activation -> configurer diagbox (compatibilité) pour s'exécuter en mode administrateur, OK
              - patch 8.13 et 8.17 OK
              Dernière modification par flashbax, 26 février 2016, 16h57.


              • Simple
                Super Member
                • août 2015
                • 253

                @flashbax, Congratulations, it looks like it has worked for you as described in the manual process here:

                I was trying to automate and shorten the process so that other people can use it:

                1- Install DiagBox 7.01 and run update 7.02 then install update 7.xx-7.57 (or any update that will create "C:\AWRoot\dtwr\cfg\Config.sys")
                2- Restart the computer and rename C:\AWRoot to C:\AWRoot7 (you may need to stop some diagBox processes)
                3- Run DiagBox 8.01 installation untill it requests Activation. Close it and restart the computer
                4- Run the tool "AWRoot_v7_Conf+Ativation_v8.exe" it will inject the necessay files and will copy the configuration from "C:\AWRoot7".
                5- Run DiagBox, it will continue the installation.
                6- Install updates 8.02, 8.03 etc..

                Link for "AWRoot_v7_Conf+Ativation_v8.exe"
                https://mega.nz/#!x8cWWSSI!2Gqp4ma0frNc5cSdf12L86O3wIvJD3cLkZSq5Y5 klOY

                I am glad we are meeting success. Now we need more people to contribute and improve the process, also to learn how to edit the updates and other files..

                Regards, Simple.


                • flashbax
                  Junior Member
                  • septembre 2012
                  • 40

                  Il n'est pas nécessaire de redémarrer le PC à l'étape 3. Je l'ai fait à l'étape 4 mais je ne sais pas si c'est indispensable.
                  Comme dit avant, à l'étape 6 en arrivant à la version 8.10 il faut configurer l'icone Diagbox pour forcer l'exécution en mode administrateur. Pas besoin de réinstaller si on a oublié une première fois et que l'application se dit "non activée", juste redémarrer diagbox comme administrateur.
                  Je pense que les mises à jour 8.18 et 8.19 se feraient facilement. C'est plus difficile avec la 8.20 (problème avec une DLL), je pense qu'il y a eu des changements de structure dans C:\AWRoot\dtrd\tree. A examiner... Ca me fait penser à la mise à jour 7.77 (8.13).
                  Ensuite il y a les 8.21 et 8.22 qui ne concernent que Lexia+PP2000, pas de difficulté.


                  • Simple
                    Super Member
                    • août 2015
                    • 253

                    You are right, some of the reboots are not necessary, but the problem is that if a user started some activity he may not be able to rename a file or a folder, also if the file is being used when you try to over wright it may fail.. The same as when you install a Maitresox update, the process requests a reboot which may not be necessary.
                    With respect to Java and VC++, they are make a difference on some platforms only.

                    I started an installation with Windows XP + FireFox + 7Zip + .NET 3.5 only on VMWare Player.. and installed DiagBox v7 then v8 and all went well.

                    With respect to 8.20, most of the issues are in "C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\bndl" I installed but yet document it..

                    We need to find a way to generate or patch "APPDIAG.SYS" and "CONFIG.SYS" in an easier way..


                    • TTAV134
                      • mai 2013
                      • 218

                      Envoyé par Simple
                      @flashbax, Congratulations, it looks like it has worked for you as described in the manual process here:

                      I was trying to automate and shorten the process so that other people can use it:

                      1- Install DiagBox 7.01 and run update 7.02 then install update 7.xx-7.57 (or any update that will create "C:\AWRoot\dtwr\cfg\Config.sys")
                      2- Restart the computer and rename C:\AWRoot to C:\AWRoot7 (you may need to stop some diagBox processes)
                      3- Run DiagBox 8.01 installation untill it requests Activation. Close it and restart the computer
                      4- Run the tool "AWRoot_v7_Conf+Ativation_v8.exe" it will inject the necessay files and will copy the configuration from "C:\AWRoot7".
                      5- Run DiagBox, it will continue the installation.
                      6- Install updates 8.02, 8.03 etc..

                      Link for "AWRoot_v7_Conf+Ativation_v8.exe"
                      https://mega.nz/#!x8cWWSSI!2Gqp4ma0frNc5cSdf12L86O3wIvJD3cLkZSq5Y5 klOY

                      I am glad we are meeting success. Now we need more people to contribute and improve the process, also to learn how to edit the updates and other files..

                      Regards, Simple.
                      Hello Simple,
                      I can make a try, my Diagbox 7.66 is running under XP on a VmWare machine.
                      Is it the latest detailed method to install Diagbox V8. No more VCredist prerequisite and useless Java run time?
                      Dernière modification par TTAV134, 28 février 2016, 03h44.


                      • Simple
                        Super Member
                        • août 2015
                        • 253

                        Yes, Just rename AWRoot to AWRoot7 And APP to APP7 (you don't actually need to rename "C:\APP" to "C:\APP7" DiagBox will actually uninstall it) and install 8.01 and use "AWRoot_v7_Conf+Ativation_v8.exe" to continue installation..
                        Dernière modification par Simple, 01 mars 2016, 08h58.


                        • Simple
                          Super Member
                          • août 2015
                          • 253

                          I updated the first post and added Installing DiagBox 8.01 on VirtualBox


                          • dany9461
                            • juin 2012
                            • 189

                            bonjour a tous merci pour cette version je vais essayer de tout prendre et essayer de l'intaller sur windows 10 pro pour cela j'ai besoin d'une reponse et on obliger d'avoir zip ou je peu le faire avec daemons-tools je vous tiendrai au jus merci encore


                            • Simple
                              Super Member
                              • août 2015
                              • 253

                              I tried "Google Translation" but it is confusing. However, I understand that you want to use Windows 10 Pro...

                              1- If you want to use Windows 10, it has to be X86 (32 bit). If you want to use Windows 10 Pro X64 (64 bit) like me, then use VMWare Workstation Player...

                              2- You do NOT need any other "tools" for Windows or VMWare Workstation Player, because you can MOUNT and EJECT ISO images, and you can Drag & Drop if you install MWare Tools completely.


                              • flashbax
                                Junior Member
                                • septembre 2012
                                • 40

                                C'est vrai qu'on a du mal à comprendre et aucune chance avec google translate si c'est plein de fautes au départ. Je suppose que la question était "est-on obligé d'avoir winzip" ou similaire.
                                Pour monter les images ISO on peut utiliser VirtualCloneDrive (forum.redfox.bz) ou DaemonTools ou...
                                Il me semble qu'il n'y a pas besoin d'utilitaire ZIP pour notre procédure d'installation mais au cas où, le plus simple est d'aller sur 7-zip.org.


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