DiagBox 8.01 Installation

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  • maxime
    Legendary Member

    • septembre 2012
    • 2120

    hi simple


    What this software is used for ?

    Le minimum c'est de remercier les gens qui vous aident sur le forum !


    • Simple
      Super Member
      • août 2015
      • 253

      Hello maxime,
      This "DiagBox_End.exe" file is part of the DiagBox installation package, it gets extracted to the C:\Temp folder during the installation together with these files:

      The "config_DiagBox.ini" has information needed for the installation, like files needed and locations. A simple check during the installation could help identify the problem. There may be an issue of the "Environment"; what looks logical to a person may not be as such for the Operating System.

      I recently posted the solution for the strange (Small Box) problem that was going without a solution for some years. In theory, different Windows installations should not affect each other, especially when the the other installations are off. But then!!??, you can watch the video:

      Also the problem of the missing DiagBox TABs on VirtualBox. This was going on for few years for many users, in fact I communicated with VirtualBox team about it and gave them software copies to test, but they said it was caused by Windows security. It was not, it was caused by the lack of (System Serial) in the Virtual Machine, and I found the solution (months later) by accident when I was testing something else.

      Nevertheless, I prefer to use VirtualBox when my main system is a newish Windows 64 bit for a number of reasons; discussed in other posts. But every individual has his own preferences and/or reasons.

      xlv600 may perform various tests to identify the problem and find possible solution/s, then open a new post explaining the problem and how to solve it, for the benefit of other users.


      • xlv600
        Super Member
        • octobre 2014
        • 672

        Hi Simple & Maxime,

        That's right, I could verify that those files where extracted from the v8.01 DiagBox ISO.

        I solved the issue the easiest way, I just had to run twice the v8.01 DiagBox_setup from the ISO. The first one to remove the previous fucked installation, then it wanted to remove too the C:\temp content it was running from (!!?) Of course, it failed and suggested to redo the installation and this time the installation completed. I could go ahead and finish the 5th step.

        I take a breath and will go ahead this week-end.

        Thank's again for your help.


        • Simple
          Super Member
          • août 2015
          • 253

          Hi xlv600,
          I am glad it is sorted. Can you tell us how did you run the first (corrupted) installation; is it from a mounted ISO? Also, how fast is the installation process?.

          A couple of weeks back I performed a full (DiagBox 7.01/Win XP/VirtualBox) installation on my son's computer (Windows 10 X64, AMD Ryzen with SSD) in 4 minutes, last year I also performed a similar installation (but Intel CPU) on my older son's computer which took 4 minutes as well. But I also remember a (DiagBox 7.01/Win XP/VMware Workstation) installation on an Intel Core i5-3210M based Windows 10 X64 laptop which took around 3 hours!!!


          • xlv600
            Super Member
            • octobre 2014
            • 672

            Yes Simple, I never use DVD when I can avoid ;-). I think my error was to close DiagBox too fast when it complete the 8.01 update. I don't really remember, maybe I ran it twice for checking. But the ISO and the target are located on both ends of the same low power HDD, so of course it's not as fast as a VM running on a SSD on an i7 full power, which is also my favorite option. The selective copy and removal of lots of tiny files is extremely slow compared to the transfer of a single container. And yes the X201 has an i5 CPU, but it's responsive enough for Diag purpose.
            With only 4 cores I wouldn't try to install a VM machine in it. For a great experience one need CPU power, RAM, an SSD and a FullHD screen may help too... And a big backup HDD to store all the VMs


            • Simple
              Super Member
              • août 2015
              • 253

              The Lenovo X201 was designed for portability and low power consumption (extended hours usage). I find it strange that it comes with 4 Cores I5 !!, I think you mean 4 threads (2 cores). However, once DiagBox is installed, you will notice that this is probably the best computer for such usage, due to its size and weight.

              You will be surprised to see that if you run DiagBox / Windows XP / VirtualBox / Windows 7, it will run reasonably fast on your computer.. All what XP needs is one core and a couple of GBs RAM. Just enable Virtualization in the BIOS and ensure that I/O APIC is NOT enabled in VirtualBox. You can allocate as much RAM as you can afford (not more than 4 GB) to facilitate the installation phase and reduce it back to 1.5 or 2 GB once done.


              • xlv600
                Super Member
                • octobre 2014
                • 672

                Correct, it's a M520.


                • xlv600
                  Super Member
                  • octobre 2014
                  • 672

                  You asked :
                  Envoyé par Simple
                  ... Can you tell us ... how fast is the installation process?.
                  As I redo the installation from beginning on the X201 (i5-M520, 3GB RAM, HDD WD5000BEVT) I can tell you:
                  - Install v7.01 from the ISO image: 6mn
                  - Let DiagBox upgrade Lexia & PP2000: 10mn
                  - Restart DiagBox, Activation, auto update to v7.02: 14mn
                  - Scary01 update from v7.02 to v7.57: 9mn
                  - Reboot
                  - Launch DiagBox "You've been Robbed" and auto update: 10mn
                  - Kill services, rename AWRoot7, Mount Update 8.01 ISO
                  - Install v8.01 from the ISO image: 6mn
                  - Activation v8, Reboot
                  - Launch DiagBox and auto update: 14mn
                  - Exit, edit version.ini -> 7.801, launch DiagBox and see the result.
                  This is more than an hour.


                  • Simple
                    Super Member
                    • août 2015
                    • 253

                    These times are not bad..

                    By the way, you can save more time if you start the 7.xx-7.57 update immediately after installing 7.01 successfully, you don't have to restart DiagBox and perform the 7.02 update.


                    • xlv600
                      Super Member
                      • octobre 2014
                      • 672

                      Thank's for the tip. But it's a risky sport, after 8.01 I did a kill services and ran 8.02, 8.10 & 8.14 updates in a row. Then reboot and launch DiagBox.... It's a disaster. :-/ Superviseur shows me several "XXX-POLUXSPV NOT FOUND" then Diagbox shows me a lot of Citroën screens with "XXX-POLUXPORT NOT FOUND" where "XXX" in 52, 253, 261, 685, 814, 930...
                      There are 10 updates to apply on 8.01 to reach latest 8.50. Do I have to do those steps 10 times:
                      - kill services
                      - run the next update
                      - reboot to start services
                      - launch Diagbox to apply the changes.


                      • Simple
                        Super Member
                        • août 2015
                        • 253

                        Upgrading from 7.01 to 757 and jumping 7.02 is an exception, in fact you can upgrade from any lower version to 7.57, because the upgrade is from 7.xx-7.57.

                        You need to start DiagBox 8.xx after each update and let it perform internet update, but you don't need to "Kill Services" other than at the stage of copying the V7 profile (half way during 8.01 installation).

                        This is one of the issues where using a Virtual Machines is an advantage, you can take a snapshot which enables you to revert to a fully working status.


                        • xlv600
                          Super Member
                          • octobre 2014
                          • 672

                          Hello Simple. You're really a wonderfull customer support! It's nice to be in touch with you .

                          You convinced me, I will restart the process on the X201 when I'll master the process in a VM on my main Laptop. I already added a Serial Number to a XP.sp3 clone as you explained.

                          Let's go now!


                          • Simple
                            Super Member
                            • août 2015
                            • 253

                            If you intend to use VirtualBox, you don't need a hard disk more than 20 GB (if using Win XP) and make sure it is IDE and Dynamic of type VDI, it will probably show as 2 GB on the host Windows (Win 7) initially and will keep growing to limit set (20 GB) as you install applications. You can expand it further any time if need be.

                            Please tell us of the time taken for the installation so that other users are aware of the speed(ing) penalty as a result of using VM.


                            • xlv600
                              Super Member
                              • octobre 2014
                              • 672

                              For the VDI and dynamic size, it's the way I do but why IDE? It's weird, on the X201 the disc is SATA.


                              • Simple
                                Super Member
                                • août 2015
                                • 253

                                It is ok, The standard type for XP was IDE and some people met problems with other types, I used SATA and it also works.

                                You can change from any partition type to any other type, even after installation if you wish. The principle is very simple, unattach (not delete from disk) your 20 GB VM Disk or remove the IDE Controller, create a new SATA controller and re-attach your VM disk to it and boot. But it will not boot because it does not already have the SATA drivers installed in Win XP.

                                The way to do it is to ensure you have the Storage Controller drivers for whichever type (IDE, SATA or SCSI) already loaded in Windows. This is achieved as follows (assuming Windows XP is on 20 GB IDE):

                                1- Add a new Storage Controller type SATA and add a new hard disk of size 10 mb to it.
                                2- Boot in Windows XP VM, it will recognise the new disk and install the drivers needed, you can format it if you wish to ensure all is fine.
                                3- Shutdown the Windows XP and delete the IDE controller and the 10 mb disk attached to the SATA controller.
                                4- Attach the 20 GB Disk to the SATA controller and boot.

                                Done !!

                                To experiment with SCSI follow the above steps attaching a SCSI controller. To change back to any type, just unattach and reattach to the desired controller type, no need for 10 MB disk creation since you have the necessary drivers.


