DiagBox 8.01 Installation

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  • aguy22
    • octobre 2016
    • 192


    Thank you for your shared work, I'm appreciate !!
    I've some troubles with the 8.01 installation, I'm following your instructions but when I install the 8.01 over 7.57 I have one error and the script of installation stop. I need to relaunch the installation to finaly finish the installation successfuly ??

    For the virtual machine, I use vmware after used virtualbox because I have some problems with USB emulation with CAN CLIP under virtualbox.
    Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
    Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


    • Simple
      Super Member
      • août 2015
      • 253

      What is the error? in VMware? and does work ok after you continue?
      Which VirtualBox version do you use? if you don't install the "Extension Pack" and the "Guest Additions" you will have problems with VirtualBox, use 5.1.26 or later..

      New 5.1.27 beta from here:


      • xlv600
        Super Member
        • octobre 2014
        • 672

        I'm having issues too on VirtualBox, but I'm sure it will be sorted ;-)

        On the VM installation, v8.01 was activated and DiagBox completed the update (and per chance I made a snapshot).
        But after reboot and 8.02 update, DiagBox exhibit error (02), and editing version.ini changed nothing.

        Looking for logs, I found in c:\AWRoot\bin\Launcher\TraceLauncher.log that firebird was not running, and it's true the firebird services doesn't appear in the WinXP Process Manager.

        In the Windows registry, the path that permits to launch the services is not updated:
        When windows start services found in [HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services]
        it can't find fbguard.exe and fbserver.exe

        "ImagePath"="C:\AWRoot\bin\lib\firebird\bin\fbguard.exe  -s"
        "ImagePath"="C:\AWRoot\bin\lib\firebird\bin\fbserver.exe  -s"
        - firebird is located in c:\APP\firebird\bin\ (and it's consitent with c:\AWRoot\bin\launcher\ap.ini settings).
        - c:\AWRoot\bin\lib\firebird\ is empty
        - DLL are located in c:\AWRoot\bin\lib\firebird250\

        In TraceLauncher.Log, one can see that the PATH is not really optimized (but it's not an issue)
        PATH=C:\AWRoot\bin\lib;C:\AWRoot\bin\common;C:\AWRoot\bin\lib\firebird250;C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;[COLOR=#ff0000]C:\AWRoot\bin\common;C:\AWRoot\bin\lib;[/COLOR]C:\APP\DDC\bin;

        On the X201 I got the same error, so I edited the Windows registry to put the correct path in both firebird services descriptions and I could launch DiagBox without error after reboot and go ahead with upgrading process. (Reg file attached)

        FYI: In order to serialize issues and enhance readability I won't post while aguy22 issue is pending.
        Fichiers attachés
        Dernière modification par xlv600, 21 août 2017, 00h48. Motif: Faulty Reg file, " " where missing in strings, now it works


        • Simple
          Super Member
          • août 2015
          • 253

          You should not need to change anything in the Registry or the Path, I presume that DiagBox 8.01 did start properly, which means all changes should have been performed correctly. I am trying to think what would make the X series different?? but cannot think of anything..

          I take it you created a Virtual CD from the Settings --> Storage --> Add Optical drive, then mounted the ISO image to the Drive?

          Can you check if you have enough VM disk space? and .NET 3.51 is installed (.NET 4 or above will not do).

          To expand VM Disk size to 30 GB, execute the following in Adminstrator CMD at Windows 7 level (change the user name and the VM and VDI names):
          C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage modifyhd “C:\Users\User_Name\VirtualBox VMs\Win-XP\Win-XP.vdi” --resize 30720

          Upgrade 8.02 is the one where the Locale (coding) changes shape.. You can try starting DiagBox 8.01 and stopping it, then perform 8.02 update without rebooting and you can also try after killing all processes. Ensure you do that as Admin.


          • xlv600
            Super Member
            • octobre 2014
            • 672

            There is no size issue with my VM, they are already sized to 40GB, this is all the interest of dynamic size, isn't it?
            I got this issue on both the VM and the X201. Now I go ahead on both machines, I'm installing 8.14 on X201 and finish to apply 8.02 on the VM.

            Maybe my issue is due to the source of v7 installation. You did'nt provide them and I took the one that was provided by the vendor (I was curious to see what he provided and made an ISO from it using an external DVD drive (the one I replaced by an SSD in my machine)).

            On both installations I made a backup of APP and AWROOT in order to keep a v7 DiagBox as you suggested on your english citroen-owner-club ;-)
            and I can see that firebird in this v7 version firebird is installed in both directory c:\APP\firebird\bin *AND* c:\AWRoot\bin\lib\firebird\bin, that's not the case anymore in v8 where the latter folder is empty. So my change in the registry will allow me to play with v7 an v8, what would be possible with the previous values of "ImagePath".
            Now both machines are blocked after v8.37 installation, DiagBox says something like "The upgrade didn't complete properly" (but in French).
            Unfortunately the TraceLauncher.log is almost empty. But I made a snapshot in v8.17 so I can diagnose... but later, too tired now to be efficient.


            • Simple
              Super Member
              • août 2015
              • 253

              I performed 2 installations of DiagBox/Win XP/VirtualBox, (I created different file versions early 2016 and could not remember the difference). They went fine, My registry was ok, but the Path statement had the repetition, probably is created when installing DiagBox 7 and the other when installing 8, it is harmless though.

              You can get rid of APP7 as it has the old Engines and keep 2 AWRoot (7 and 8) to switch between. You can check to see if you can port the installation to another computer (like a desktop) by copying the whole VM folder, when VirtualBox prompts you if it was copied or moved, choose moved, otherwise it will change the uuid which will make DiagBox request license validation. This exercise will help you when removing the snapshots to reduce the space taken.

              By the way, what was the speed difference while installing? and do you notice any difference in operation?

              Note: My first installation went very fast, after uninstalling DiagBox and reinstalling it again it was slower. I did not have time to check if optimizing the hard disk would make a significant difference.


              • Simple
                Super Member
                • août 2015
                • 253

                Hi xlv600,
                Is there any chance you can find why your installation did not update the registry properly? Is it something to do with running some process as Administrator or some user Authorization?.

                I have a feeling that "aguy22" is having a similar problem! I could not replicate his problem and I am not sure if I fully understand it, may be it helps if you communicate with him in French.. TIA.

                Also, is DiagBox performance on VirtualBox acceptable on your notebook?


                • xlv600
                  Super Member
                  • octobre 2014
                  • 672

                  Looking at his recent posts, aguy22 has currently other issues not related to DiagBox.
                  I guess he'll come back when they'll be sorted.
                  I'm running XP pro corp as admin, I should have no privilege issue
                  My machine is very comfortable for running XP in a VM, especially for diags. It runs faster than on the X201. But not that much when it's about transfering zillions of tiny files. It's partly due to NTFS, a chance that I disabled file indexation.


                  • aguy22
                    • octobre 2016
                    • 192

                    Many answers during my absence ... thanks

                    @ simple, I've made a lot of tests :
                    - under a vm with wmware, XP sp3 with .net 3.51, xp sp3 without 3.51, win 7 32b with .net 3.51
                    - & in NTFS partition with my dual boot with win 7 32b (out of vm)

                    And I have the same problem : during the installation of 8.01 (after kill processes & rename AWROOT -> AWROOT7) the installation exit with error message : 'can't continue the installation', I launch a second time the installation, the process ended correctly and I use the batch file to copy good rights...

                    After fews updates (i don't remeber how many... the updates failed with error message.

                    I can make a new test to with screen capture if you want ?

                    Have a good day ;o)
                    Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                    Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                    • Simple
                      Super Member
                      • août 2015
                      • 253

                      OK, I will assume the following:
                      1- You have successfully installed DiagBox 7.01, and it works fine (by the way, you don't have to update to 7.02, you can run update 7.xx-7.57 and it will run fine, I tested it).
                      2- You have Updated to DiagBox 7.57 and you can shutdown and restart successfully.
                      3- You can close DiagBox then Kill All Processes and Rename AWRoot folder to AWRoot7 and APP folder to APP7 (Renaming APP will prove that all processes have been killed).
                      4- You have installed .NET 3.51 and VC++ 2008 (can be installed in the beginning), and inserted a System Serial (in case of VirtualBox, you are not using VirtualBox).
                      5- You mount the DiagBox ISO and start the installation. It detects previous version and starts removing it, then it starts installing 8.01.
                      6- Half way during the installation, at the point of profile creation stage, you click the X and shutdown/close DiagBox.
                      7- You run the Activator (without rebooting the computer) then start DiagBox again to continue the installation.

                      Here, the process throws an Error and refuse to continue!!!!

                      Is the above correct or am I missing something? If when you revise the above you notice that you are doing something different, try to do it like mentioned above.

                      If you still have a problem, I may have sometime tonight to remotely login (free, I don't charge for goodwill) and see if I can fix it, but no promises. And I hope you will sort it.

                      Good Luck.


                      • aguy22
                        • octobre 2016
                        • 192

                        I forgot,

                        @simple, is there a way to recover or 'save' my lexia interface, it's blocked for update fimrware from diagbox. I tried to flash it with 'lexia firmware' & 'PSA interface checker new' with many firmware 4.x but just nothing !?
                        Just a light on the green led and a time for flash too short : 1-2 secondes...

                        May be, thank you ;o)
                        Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                        Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                        • Simple
                          Super Member
                          • août 2015
                          • 253

                          You are the second person (omarzoro is the other) to have a communication problem with his VCI this week, I hope PSA has not released some secret file that corrupts clones!!

                          Such issues may be easy software flashing/copying ones, or difficult hardware problems. All read write chips (including SSD) have a life cycle when they start failing. And it could be connection (cut/loose wire or dry joint) problem or power problem (low voltage due to leaking capacitor or open/shorted resistor or memory problem). Disconnect the device for an hour or something and try again, also use a different computer to see if this will work.

                          But a short answer to the question is, I don't know!!


                          • aguy22
                            • octobre 2016
                            • 192

                            thank you for your answer ;o)
                            about my lexia interface, you make me scared ;o) I bought my third interface and I test it tomorrow....
                            - The first one have no 'octocoupleur' -> no diagnostic
                            - The second one have the problem I told you

                            I keep you in touch formy third interface...

                            Otherwise, don't you know if I can make 2 or 3 simple test for my poor interface which can updates before I put it in rubbish ?
                            Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                            Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                            • aguy22
                              • octobre 2016
                              • 192

                              Envoyé par Simple
                              OK, I will assume the following: ...
                              Good Luck.
                              Hi, thank you for your proposition but I don't have internet in my home actually
                              I've tested something today for this problem of v8 & I have may be the solution !! ;o)

                              I remember I have make a successfully try one day, and I try for the 12nd times this morning... to install the v8 with paying attention to let time 2 or 3 min at the system startup after the reboot for the VC++ 2008 installation, before killing processes & copying the folder AWROOT to AWROOT7.
                              I've suspected lags of startup in my virtual machine and it works !!

                              The first installation ended correctly BUT I make a test by cloning a VM & I can't verify the good works because the security failed at startup. I'll try again properly this evening.

                              I just want to precise one step, in your explanation you talk that the VC++ 2008 file is present in C:\teleassistance\visualC\vcredist_x86.exe but it's not a good path for an winxp sp3 system. maybe in c:\temp\prerequires for 7.57 update ? because after installing the 7.xx-7.57 update the system contains the VC++ 2008 but not excatly the same I've donwloaded from microsoft site.

                              Here is the list of installed software in a winxp sp3 + .net 3.51 + diagbox 7.01 + update 7.xx-7.57
                              And the VC++ 2008 are already present, the VC++ 2008 are also present in c:\temp\prerequires during the diagbox v8.01 installation.
                              Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		diagbox-757-winxp.net-351-2017-08-22-15-22-40.png 
Affichages :	1 
Taille :		70,6 Ko 
ID : 			313409

                              Il est louable de rechercher la vérité, il faut être fou pour croire l'avoir trouvé ! (Nietzsche)
                              Les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît ! (Audiard)


                              • Simple
                                Super Member
                                • août 2015
                                • 253

                                No, the system will install VC++ 2005 not 2008 and a copy is available in the path I gave, you can also download it from Microsoft.. If you are using VMWare, then VMWare Tools install VC++ 2008.

                                When you want to make a copy do NOT use the clone function. For VMWare, you need to copy the folder that has system_name.VMDK and system_name.VMX and other files.. I think you can attach two identical systems in VMware. If the VM system ask is this copy or move, choose MOVE.

                                In case of VirtualBox, just copy the folder that has the system_name.VDI and system_name.VBOX. But do not mount it to the same VietualBox system, because it will say there is another system that has the same parameters. Drop the Original before attaching the Copy, Also choose Move if you are challenged by VirtualBox.

                                If you choose Copy, then the VM system will Change the UUID's and the license verification will fail.

