DiagBox 8.01 Installation

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  • Simple
    Super Member
    • août 2015
    • 253


    DiagBox 8.01 Installation

    Installing DiagBox 8.01
    This procedure and the software provided are intended for personal, educational and experimental use to install DiagBox 8.01 and related updates. I hold no responsibility for any illegal or improper usage. Carry out this procedure at your own risk.

    Links for all required software, updates and tools are in the attachments.

    Preparation for Installing DiagBox 8.01 on Notebooks and VMWare Workstation
    - Starting with any (32 bit) Windows (preferably XP or 7), install .NET 3.51 and Windows drivers or VMWare Tools (if on VMWare Workstation or Player).

    Preparation for Installing DiagBox 8.01 on VirtualBox
    - Having installed 32 bit Windows + VirtualBox Guest Additions + .NET 3.51
    - Close VirtualBox and start an administrator's CMD, navigate to "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\" and execute the following command:
    C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage setextradata "Your VM" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemSerial" "System Serial"
    (Replace "
    Your VM" with Virtual Machine's name, and "System Serial" with hardware's serial or any text such as "DIAGBOX8" )

    Installing DiagBox 8.01
    1- Install DiagBox 7.01 and restart DiagBox to run update 7.02. Install update 7.xx-7.57 (this will create the required file "C:\AWRoot\dtwr\cfg\Config.sys").
    2- Install "VC++ 2008 Redistributable Package", a copy will be available in "C:\teleassistance\visualC\vcredist_x86.exe" after installing DiagBox.
    3- Restart the computer and use “Kill_DiagBox_Tasks.bat” to stop related processes and rename "C:\AWRoot" to "C:\AWRoot7"
    4- Run DiagBox 8.01 installation (it will uninstall v7.xx first) until it requests Activation. Close it (X) and run the tool "AWRoot_v7_Conf+Ativation_v8.exe" it will copy configuration from "C:\AWRoot7\.." and inject the necessary files.
    5- Run DiagBox again, it should continue the installation successfully.

    Done !,

    Restart DiagBox 8.01 as Administrator to confirm all is well (don't be concerned about the reported version and do not start Lexia or PP2000 yet). If you face an issue, run the activation tool again and/or review "Versions" below.

    If DiagBox runs fine, ensure you keep a backup copy of the file “C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\APPDIAG.SYS” in a safe location.

    Installing Updates
    1- Download and install "DiagBox_updt_802.ISO" update.
    2- Download and install subsequent v8.xx updates or Maitresox updates (from 7.66+).

    The order of the version lines and which one is active in VERSION.INI is important for the correct running of the system. DiagBox will display 08.01 if set as shown below. But Lexia will NOT work with the line (version=08.xx) in "version.ini" (xx is the version number depending on which update is applied).

    If Lexia is started with "version=08.01" in Version.ini not commented, "APPDIAG.SYS" will be corrupted and it will need to be restored before DiagBox will work again. To operate Lexia (after starting DiagBox with 8.xx), edit "version.ini" and comment "version=08.xx" (by inserting ";" as shown below) and save BEFORE starting LEXIA.

    Setting "version.ini" to 07.xx (by removing or commenting "version=8.xx" permanently) before starting DiagBox, will prompt DiagBox to report V 07.xx, but everything will work fine as version 8.xx..

    - DiagBox v7 and v8 install and run on all x86 (32bit) Windows including XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (TH1, TH2, RS1 and RS2).
    - Entering a System Serial for the Virtual Machine (as described above) resolves the "psaAagent.exe" and the missing tabs issue on VirtualBox.
    - If you get "Error 2" after restarting DiagBox, try commenting "version=8.xx" in "version.ini" before restarting DiagBox again.

    P.S. DiagBox has been running on Firmware v4.3.4 since v7.66/8.02 and Firmware v4.3.5 since v8.45.

    Enjoy; Simple.

    This video is found on the internet, I do not know who made it, but it is quite descriptive of the process.

    Fichiers attachés
    Dernière modification par Simple, 02 décembre 2019, 15h01.
  • flashbax
    Junior Member
    • septembre 2012
    • 40

    Fantastique, de mieux en mieux ! Il manque juste le ZIP.
    J'ai essayé d'intégrer la mise à jour 8.20 mais il me semble qu'il y a des modifications structurelles, je n'ai pas réussi.


    • Simple
      Super Member
      • août 2015
      • 253

      I changed the attached file and added a tool that will report DiagBox 08.01.

      If Lexia is started with "version=08.xx" active, APPDIAG.SYS will be corrupted and it will need to be restored before DiagBox will work again. To have lexia working you need to remove the line "version=08.xx" or insert a ";" (as shown below) BEFORE starting LEXIA.
      Setting "version.ini" to 07.xx will prompt DiagBox to report V 07.xx, but everything will work..


      • flashbax
        Junior Member
        • septembre 2012
        • 40

        Dommage, je suis la procédure mais ça ne fonctionne pas sous Windows XP. J'installe jusqu'à la 7.57, je sauvegarde AWRoot7, je désinstalle, j'installe la 8.01, j'annule l'activation, je lance AWRoot_v7_Activation_for_v801.exe, je redémarre Diagbox... et il dit toujours qu'il n'est pas activé.
        Idem si j'arrête après l'activation manuelle de la 7.01.


        • Simple
          Super Member
          • août 2015
          • 253

          I tried it on Windows 10 and Windows XP, both work.. You only need 7.01 only..


          - Added demonstration video "Win-XP_DBX801.AVI" to show the process:
          - The de-installation of VC++ 2005 is not necessary.
          - There was no unblocking of applications trying to connect through the firewall, because there was a previous installation that was removed, also the firewall was turned off.
          - The installation process was ended at minute 7:30, that's because the recording is done on VirtualBox and DiagBox v8 does install properly on VirtualBox. It installs well on VMWare Workstation and Player. Also DiagBox v7 and v8 do not install on Windows 10 RS1 (this may be sorted in the future), but they install on Windows 10 TH1 and TH2.
          - version=08.01 line was commented before starting Lexia, otherwise APPDIAG.SYS would be corrupted.

          Dernière modification par Simple, 24 février 2016, 05h48.


          • micka84
            • décembre 2012
            • 210

            Quelqu'un a réussi à faire l'installation jusqu'au bout ?


            • Enia222
              Junior Member
              • avril 2013
              • 85

              Envoyé par micka84
              Quelqu'un a réussi à faire l'installation jusqu'au bout ?

              works perfectly
              thanks Simple


              • Simple
                Super Member
                • août 2015
                • 253

                Thanks Enia222, Nice to hear all went well. Can you check Telecoding?
                I was going to record another full video on VMWare Workstation Pro. It would take me few hours (Download a tool, install it and learn how to use it). But i think no need for it now.


                • TTAV134
                  • mai 2013
                  • 218

                  Good job you've donne but i wondering what's the value add of using version 8 instead of 7


                  • Simple
                    Super Member
                    • août 2015
                    • 253

                    Different people will have different interests. DiagBox updates from 7.67/8.03 are equal, V8 has more recent engines (like Java and VC++). I wanted to install it to see what does it offer, but it was asking for online verification, so I had a go at it for fun..

                    Having said that, I don't think that PSA management is stupid as to release a useless piece of diagnostic software. I have a feeling that they will offer (newer) Remote Services that are managed by this release.. But I think this is the last thing people who have VCI clones are worried about..

                    I have an oldish Citroen C8, and I use DiagBox only few times per year without connecting to PSA. I have not noticed (operational) difference, and I don't know if it will make a difference to someone else. But there is a popular proverb that says "If it is working; don't fix it"..

                    But there is one advantage to first time installers, and that is a cleaner faster installation with most recent files!!


                    • patber
                      Legendary Member

                      • mars 2013
                      • 4210

                      Of course it works guys Simple is very knowledgeable in this subject.


                      • micka84
                        • décembre 2012
                        • 210

                        Envoyé par Enia222
                        works perfectly
                        thanks Simple

                        ok thank you, I will try


                        • Simple
                          Super Member
                          • août 2015
                          • 253

                          Not really patber, I don't think I am very knowledgeable in this subject. It is living with an "old Citroen C8" and trying to dig solutions for its problems/issues that got me into this.

                          After all, interests that come from the need are usually stronger than those that come from the want, and the "keep going" comes from the joy of sharing fun and staying mentally fit..


                          • patber
                            Legendary Member

                            • mars 2013
                            • 4210

                            You do more than most of the members of this forum will ever do.


                            • flashbax
                              Junior Member
                              • septembre 2012
                              • 40

                              Désolé, rien à faire, pourtant je voudrais bien mais la version 8 demande toujours l'activation. La différence est que j'installe en français.
                              J'installe diagbox 7.01 jusqu'au début de Lexia (activation manuelle faite), puis je tue les tâches. Je démarre l'installation v8, quand elle demande la langue je renomme en AWRoot7 puis je valide. Je laisse installer et démarrer diagbox jusqu'au dialogue «vous devez activer l'application». Je quitte, je lance l'EXE avec les fichiers v7, je redémarre Windows, je redémarre Diagbox 8.01, application non activée.
                              Même comportement sous XP et 7 (sans antivirus).
                              Quelqu'un a-t-il réussi l'installation en français ?


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