Lexia & PP2000 updates (Up-to DiagBox v8.38)

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  • Simple
    Super Member
    • août 2015
    • 253


    Lexia & PP2000 updates (Up-to DiagBox v8.38)

    The software provided and the procedures proposed are intended for personal, educational and experimental use to install DiagBox 8.xx related updates. I hold no responsibility for any illegal or improper usage. Carry out this procedure at your own risk.

    Links are provided in the attachments for 3 compilations "APP_Update_817-837.EXE", "APP_Update_835-838.EXE"و "APP_Update_838-842.exe", "APP_Update_842-846.exe" and "APP_Update_846-847.rar". Those executables are intended to update Lexia and PP2000 components of DiagBox from versions 8.17+ or 8.35 respectively, to the latest 8.42 and will bring Lexia v500.74 and PP2000 v600.80 to latest fixes or support level.

    APP_Update_817-837.EXE update should be attempted if you have a working DiagBox v8.17 / v7.81 installation or higher, or if you have a working "APP-835.7z" implementation.

    APP_Update_835-838.EXE update should be attempted if you have updated to 8.37 or a working "APP-835.7z" implementation. Update APP_Update_838-842.exe can then be installed.

    1- Ensure you have a backup copy of the file "C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\APPDIAG.SYS" before you start.
    2- Download and execute the appropriate file for your own setup. The process will copy all necessary files to the updt folder, it will then automatically kill all associated processes to enable overwriting without conflicts.
    3- Run DiagBox to start the update process and wait until DiagBox is operational. Close DiagBox and restart your computer to ensure all processes are running.

    Done..! you may run DiagBox as usual.. Notice that DiagBox version will NOT be changed by these updates..

    Have fun!

    Lexia language is set to English and PP2000 to french, if you wish to change them, edit the DICO.TXT file in the EXE folders of LEXIA or OUTILREP (PP2000) and replace "GB" with "FR" or vise versa.

    P.S. DiagBox has been running on Firmware 4.3.4 since 7.66/8.02.

    If you wish to change Lexia and PP2000 language, edit the DICO.TXT file in the EXE folders of LEXIA or OUTILREP (PP2000) and replace "GB" with "FR" or vise versa. For a more detailed process and other languages, review this link:


    DiagBox has been running on Firmware 4.3.4 since 7.66/8.02.

    Regards, Simple.
    Fichiers attachés
    Dernière modification par Simple, 22 juin 2017, 17h43. Motif: Update
  • sophiane
    • mars 2013
    • 222

    Salut quand je mais APP_Update_817-837 il s installe impeccable mes quand j ouvre diagbox il reste toujours v8.17 merci d avance
    panasonic cf19 mk6 - avec tout mes diag


    • Simple
      Super Member
      • août 2015
      • 253

      Added APP folder update up to v8.42

      Please notice DiagBox version # should not change as a result of Lexia and PP2000 updates.


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